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What Every Providence Homeowner Should Know About Bats

a small brown bat

Have you seen bats flying around your home in Providence? Have you heard squeaking and scratching noises that sound like they are coming from your attic or possibly from behind your walls? Did you smell urine on hot days this summer?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, there’s a chance that you've got a bat infestation.

While the smells and sounds are unpleasant, bats are a serious problem if they've infested your home. Bats are known to carry rabies, and they will bite humans if they feel threatened. However, rabies isn’t the only health threat that bats pose. They also carry a variety of pathogens and parasites. For instance, their feces are associated with a fungus called histoplasmosis that can lead to lung disease. They also carry other pests including fleas and mites into a home.

Keep Bats Out

While bats in the wild are beneficial because they eat nuisance insects and help keep the population of pesky ones down, they can cause problems when they settle in around your property. Bats are attracted to areas where there are a lot of bugs, which are generally areas with water, such as ponds, pools or birdbaths. They also look for places with dense vegetation. Both of these can provide bats with the food and water they need to live.

There are a few things you can do to make your property less appealing to the local bat population. These include:

  • Keeping your grass cut and trimming back trees and bushes
  • Sealing openings around the roofline and fixing any broken shingles
  • Covering the chimney and vents with screening
  • Checking door and window screens for holes or tears

Call a Professional Pest Service

While these steps are useful in keeping bats out of your home, if you already have a bat infestation, you need to bring in a professional pest service.  Because bats carry rabies and other dangerous diseases, you should never try to capture or touch one yourself. Instead, call Big Blue Bug Solutions, and we will send one of our trained wildlife professionals to your home.

Our wildlife technicians understand that each wildlife infestation is unique. They’ll create a solution designed specifically for your situation This may include trapping the animals and releasing them elsewhere and installing barriers such as chimney caps and attic vent screens to make sure you’re not bothered by bats in the future.

If you’re worried about bats in your Providence home, call us at Big Blue Bug Solutions today and ask about a free wildlife inspection.
