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We Have Not Seen The Last Of Mosquitoes This Year In Worcester

a late summer mosquito biting an a worcester massachusetts resident

Football season has arrived in Worcester, but that doesn’t mean you can let your guard down when it comes to mosquitos. Populations might be dwindling, but these insects will continue to be active through October. That means that all the time you want to spend enjoying a beautiful New England autumn, you may be dealing with mosquitoes; while you’re harvesting the last of your garden, playing football with the kids, or just sitting with friends and family.

Skeeters flying around are a nuisance, and their bites are unpleasant, but remember that mosquitoes are more than pests. They can carry serious diseases, such as Eastern Equine Encephalitis and West Nile Virus. 

Reducing Mosquito Populations

There are a few steps you can take to reduce the number of mosquitoes around your Worcester home:

  • Get rid of standing water, which often collects in unexpected places such as wheelbarrows and kid’s toys left outside. Mosquitoes lay their eggs on the surface of water.
  • Keep your grass trimmed to give mosquitoes fewer hiding places.
  • Repair window screens and keep doors shut so mosquitoes can’t enter your home.

Consider having a one-time mosquito treatment if you will be using your yard for an event such as a wedding or get-together. Call Big Blue Bug Solutions to get details about this intensive one-time service that will make you and your guests more comfortable. Our mosquito solutions target breeding sites, larvae, and adult mosquitoes, reducing the number of mosquitoes in all stages of life.

New England residents have counted on Big Blue Bug for pest control for more than 80 years, and we’ve been in the Worcester area since 1978. We provide pest control solutions for residential and commercial properties and we take pride in our trained technicians who stay up to date on best practices in the pest control industry, including environmentally-responsible approaches to pest control.

If you have a mosquito problem, don’t hesitate to call us, because we can provide a solution.
