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Why Are the Yellow Jackets in South Portland So Angry Right Now?

Yellow Jacket

Fall is an incredible moment of transition between the gloriously long days of summer and the first crisp days of winter. In New England, fall is one of the prettiest seasons for residents and tourists alike. However, for resident yellow jackets, fall is a time of survival and extra aggression. Fall is the last chance of life for a yellow jacket, so its determination to find food makes it extremely aggressive toward anyone who tries to get in its way. Learn how to stay safe from yellow jackets this fall.

The term yellow jacket is only used in the United States. Other English-speaking countries refer to them as wasps. They are a species of stinging insects with black and yellow bodies. They are one of the more aggressive stinging insects, especially during the autumn. Their sting will always hurt, but it isn’t dangerous unless you have been stung many times or are allergic to the venom. If you have an allergic reaction, the consequences can be severe.

When Is Yellow Jacket Season?

Unfortunately, yellow jackets can be a problem almost all year. In spring, the queens begin laying eggs. Throughout the summer, the hive grows, and adult yellow jackets bring food to feed the queen and her hive. Once fall hits, the newly fertilized queens prepare to overwinter, and the male yellow jackets are left to fend for themselves. They may survive the winter if their nests are located in protected and warm areas such as a garage or a shed. Otherwise, they die during the cold winter months, and you’ll have a brief respite until spring.

When Do Yellow Jackets Become a Problem?

Yellow jacket stings can be incredibly painful. If you’re allergic, they can be dangerous and require immediate medical attention. To avoid a yellow jacket sting, keep an eye out for nests on or around your property. Keep your landscaping well-trimmed so you can see any nests and keep your garage clear, so you’ll see if yellow jackets get inside. You’ll also want to limit any food sources near your home. Keep gardens far from your house and don’t leave food uncovered, especially sweet foods. Always be vigilant for yellow jackets to avoid scaring them, and limit the amount of exposed skin when you spend time outdoors.

What to Do with a Yellow Jacket Nest?

Yellow jacket nests can be extremely dangerous. Each yellow jacket can sting repeatedly. Plus, if the members of a hive feel threatened, many yellow jackets will come to its defense. You could be covered in stings, which is dangerous even if you aren’t allergic. You may have heard that you can burn a yellow jacket nest to remove it, but this is incredibly unsafe! Not only do you risk repeated stings, but you also risk causing fire damage to your property or suffering burns.

Instead of attempting to remove a yellow jacket nest by yourself, or to ignore the problem, call Big Blue Bug Solutions. We have over 80 years of experience in pest control and we know how to deal with even the most aggressive yellow jackets. Our treatments are effective fast, and far safer than any do-it-yourself methods. Reach out to us today for prompt assistance.