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Ridding Your New England Property Of Rowdy Raccoons

a dangerous racoon climbing along the rain gutter of a new england home

Raccoons are a common pest problem in many rural areas. Sometimes, these wildlife animals invade New England properties because they have become reliant on humans for food. Raccoons are omnivores, which means they eat a combination of meat and plants. In the wild, raccoons may eat berries, frogs, slugs, fish, snails, vegetables, and seeds. However, raccoons living in rural areas will feed on anything from leftovers in your garbage to plants in your garden. If your New England property provides access to a food source, it might not take long for raccoons to find it.

Are Raccoons Dangerous?

Many people think raccoons have a cute and cuddly appearance. What’s not to love about their small striped tails and adorable masked faces? However, it’s important to understand that raccoons are wild animals, and you should never try to approach them. Raccoons can become aggressive when they are threatened, cornered, or frightened. If you’re not careful, raccoons can bite or scratch which can be painful and dangerous. Raccoons are also capable of carrying some serious diseases. These diseases can spread through contaminated surfaces, bites, scratches, and/or feces. A few diseases raccoons can transmit while on New England properties include canine distemper, rabies, and pseudorabies. Additionally, raccoons are destructive to property. They often damage roofing, insulation, wiring, and more.

Raccoon Prevention Steps

Some raccoons like to invade New England properties as the weather becomes colder. However, the main reason raccoons invade is to find easily accessible sources of food. Properties with easy entry points are also more likely to have a raccoon invade. To make your property less attractive to raccoons and other wildlife animals, try implementing a few of these raccoon prevention tips.

  • Seal all possible entry points.
  • Keep your home and lawn clutter-free.
  • Avoid leaving pet food outdoors, especially overnight.
  • Make sure your trash cans are sturdy and properly sealed.
  • Keep food items and trash out of your yard.
  • Repair windows, screens, siding, vents, doors, soffits, and other easy entry points.

Handling a raccoon infestation on your own is never a wise decision. Raccoons aren’t friendly and they won’t hesitate to bite or scratch if you disturb them. If you, your family, or your pets ever get scratched or bitten by a raccoon, seek immediate medical attention. For help with your raccoon infestation, contact professional pest control for removal. The licensed pest technicians here at Big Blue Bug Solutions can create a pest control program that fits perfectly with the needs of your property.

For effective raccoon and wildlife removal services, contact Big Blue Bug Solutions today.
