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What Are These Big Black Bugs Around My Yard?

an adult earwig crawling along a new England yard

If you are noticing big black bugs around your yard, there’s a good chance they could be earwigs. Earwigs are a common nuisance pest and are easily identifiable by their pincers. While they are relatively harmless to humans, they can be an indication of other pest problems and are unsightly and unwelcome. There are steps you can take to reduce the chance of having earwigs on your property. But when they become a noticeable problem, it’s time to call the professionals.

How Can You Be Sure They are Earwigs?

Earwigs are thin brownish red to black bugs that have pincers at their tail end. The pincers are a dead giveaway that the bug you are encountering is an earwig. They are usually about a half inch in length or smaller.

Nuisance Factor of Earwigs

One or two earwigs running about aren’t much cause for concern. However, in large numbers, they can be quite a nuisance and be an indication that you have a larger problem with pests. Earwigs like damp and dark areas like so many other pests, basement and attic areas are often targets.

Why Earwigs are a Problem around Certain Homes

As mentioned, earwigs are attracted to dark areas and moisture. If your property has leaf piles, rotted wood, yard debris, old toys, damp landscaping, and mulch or garden waste, earwigs will find the perfect home. From there they may work their way inside your home and reside near leaky pipes or damp basements.

Basic Prevention Steps 

Keeping your yard dry and free from decaying matter can help cut down on the number of earwigs present. Also, sealing up your home by installing door sweeps and repairing any damaged screens or holes can help keep them out. A dry basement with little clutter will also deter them.

Calling the Professionals

If you have a noticeable earwig problem, it may be time to call the professionals. At Big Blue Bug Solutions, we can service your New England home readily and easily since we have over 80 years of pest control experience in this area. Our technicians are trained to eliminate all types of pest problems including earwigs. We can give you recommendations for preventing them as well as treat your property to keep them out year-round. Contact us today with questions or to get started with a year-round pest control solution for your home.
