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Summer Pest Threats New England Residents Should Be Concerned About

a black and yellow carpenter bee resting on a branch in a new england back yard

Everyone is busy and ready to enjoy all the fun that summer brings with the warmer temperatures. But we’re not the only ones out enjoying the warm weather. While you sit on your back porch, enjoying a refreshing drink and perhaps some barbecue, pests threaten to invade your fun festivities. They can be a nuisance in more ways than just buzzing around being irritating you and your family or friends.

While carpenter bees don’t bite, they could be burrowing holes in your back porch, creating a nest for their family. The male carpenter bee keeps watch while his mate is busy building a home for their family. If you invade what they consider ‘their territory’ with your outside activities, the male is likely to buzz around and discourage you from staying around for very long.

One deterrent for carpenter bees is to paint or stain your decks, porch, or shed because they do not like creating holes in treated wood.

Other unwelcome guests are mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can go unnoticed until they bite you and your skin begins to itch. Most people develop itchy, red, welts when bitten by mosquitoes. Besides being a nuisance, mosquitoes can transmit many different diseases.

One way to help cut down on the number of mosquitoes in your area is to remove any standing water on your property, shake out water that collects on tarps, and don’t allow water to sit for days in kiddie pools, wheelbarrows, buckets, or other containers. Basically, remove stagnant water so that you aren’t giving mosquitoes a place to breed.

Tiny pests that can quickly put a damper on your summer fun are ticks. Ticks are small so it can be difficult to spot them crawling around on you or your pets. Besides being carriers of Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, they can also cause ehrlichiosis which can cause flu-like symptoms. People with tick-borne diseases can suffer and have problems for years to come.

These little buggers can be hard to detect. After you have been outside, be sure to check yourself, your children, and your pets for ticks.

Termites may not care about barbecue, but they are content to feast on everything from the studs to the framework of your home. These tiny pests know how to become a big problem! If you don’t prevent them from crashing your party, they can lengthen your ‘To-Do List’ by creating some serious home remodeling jobs.

Short of building your home out of concrete or metal, you’re going to be at risk of getting termites without professional pest protection.

Is There a Solution?

Yes! If you want to make sure your backyard barbecue (and the structure of your home) isn’t threatened by summer pests, be sure to call our Pest Control Professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions so we can get to work at solving your problems with summer pests. Then you can relax and get back to barbecuing and other summer fun!
