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How Did Fleas Get Into My Portland Yard?

a gry and white striped kitten scratching hr fleas outside of a portland home

Once you’ve discovered your home or your pet has fleas, you’re probably asking yourself, “How did this happen?”

How Do Fleas Get Into Yards?

Fleas prefer to reside in dark places, so tall grass gives them plenty of room to relax in the shade where they can lay in wait to hitch a ride on animals, such as wildlife, rodents, or even your beloved pet. Once they relocate from the great outdoors, they’re more than happy to come inside and take up residence in your household. Before long, you have a house party in progress that you didn’t plan on and lots of visitors you’re more than anxious to see vacate the premises.

What Attracts Wildlife and Rodents To Properties?

All animals and pests need water to survive, so if you have a leaky faucet, a pool, or any stagnant water on your property, they will be drawn to this for their survival. Wildlife and rodents are also looking for food sources, which can vary from something as simple as left out pet food to open trash cans. These creatures and critters are bringing their fleas with them and can infect your pets in the process.

How To Tell If You Have Fleas

If you find yourself saying, “Stop scratching!” to your pet, or feel your own ankles and feet starting to itch, this may be a telltale sign that your pet has fleas.

There are several simple tests you can do to determine whether your pet and/or your home has fleas.

  • The first key indicator is if you observe your pet doing abnormal scratching, licking or biting. Once fleas set up residence on your pet, they tend to jump or crawl to hard-to-reach places, which irritates your pet and makes them start to scratch.
  • Another test you can do is to have your dog or cat stand on a white, or very pale-colored, towel. Brush your pet’s hair. It may agitate the fleas enough to make some of them jump off.
  • Another area you can inspect is your pet’s mouth. If your pet has pale gums, it can be a sign of anemia, which can happen because of the fleas feeding off your pet.
  • You’ve heard of ‘the white glove test’? Well, this method is ‘the white sock test’. Put on a pair of tall white socks and stand on the carpet in one of your pet’s favorite areas. If you have a problem with fleas, they’ll jump up onto your socks where you’ll be able to spot them.

To get rid of these intruders, it will take more than just treating your pet or removing any rodents that may have brought fleas into your home. If you don’t deal with the fleas and the hundreds of eggs that they have laid around your home, you’ll continue to be plagued by these annoying home invaders.

If you are dealing with a flea infestation, don’t hesitate to call and let Big Blue Bug Solutions highly trained professional pest control technicians help to alleviate your pest control problem. We have programs for all pests: Insects, Rodents, and Wildlife.
