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How to Prevent Stored Product Pest Invasions During the Summer Months

an indian meal moth crawling along a pantry shelving unit in a south portland home

Finding the larvae of Indian meal moths or saw-toothed grain beetles in your favorite cereal probably isn't on your summer agenda. Despite what you want, however, this is a scenario that happens in South Portland homes every year. These disgusting insects are not known to cause health issues or spread bacteria. But adult pantry pests lay their eggs in food items which can contaminate entire packages. Not only is this a huge waste of money, but it’s also an extremely unpleasant experience to find your stored food products infested with tiny eggs and writhing larvae.

How Stored Product Pests Invade Homes

In most cases, pantry pests such as Indian meal moths and saw-toothed grain beetles are not eagerly waiting for their opportunity to sneak into your home and break into your pantry. It is more likely for pantry pests to infest food items before they leave the grocery store—or even the food manufacturing plant where your stored goods were originally processed! Once these food items are purchased by an unsuspecting shopper and brought home, stored product pests are capable of moving from one stored food item to the next until you’re faced with a multitude of contaminated food items. Believe it or not, adult Indian meal moths do not have the necessary mouthparts required to feed on stored food products. In fact, adult Indian meal moths don’t eat at all! Most of the threat these insect pests pose is their ability to lay eggs in your stored foods.

5 Preventative Steps to Take Against Stored Product Pests

Your South Portland home will always be protected best when you have a professional team of pest control technicians visiting your property regularly. But there are some stored product pest prevention steps you can follow to keep your South Portland property as protected as possible before professional pest control arrives. These steps include:

  • Remove old, rotting, or already infested food products
  • Clean your cabinets and pantry shelves regularly
  • Inspect your dry food items frequently for signs of eggs or larvae
  • Keep the areas you store your food cool and dry
  • Consider storing all your dry foods (such as rice, cereal, or other grains) in plastic airtight containers

Once you have a pantry pest invasion on your hands, it is difficult to get rid of it on your own. It is much more effective to contact a licensed pest control provider—such as Big Blue Bug Solutions—as soon as you notice Indian meal moths or saw-toothed grain beetles on your property. Keep these irritating pests from wasting your food items by reaching out to the pest experts here at Big Blue Bug Solutions! We have just what you need to enjoy a pest-free home.
