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How Southern Maine Residents Can Protect Their Homes From Raccoons

raccoon in the snow

The cold weather in Maine is widely known to cause an increase in rodent activity inside homes. It can also drive raccoons to invade properties, outbuildings, and homes. Raccoons inside homes can be devastating, and cause a plethora of health problems, as well.

These omnivorous pests feed on insects, vegetation, and other animals. They have been known to devour frogs, pilfer eggs from nests, and capture rodents for a tasty treat. Raccoons will eat just about anything, and are quite famous for their ability to upset trash bins, rummage through it for some tasty morsels, and manage to strew the contents all over the yard.

Usually, raccoons live in dens consisting of fallen tree trunks, abandoned burrows, and hollow trees. They are attracted to areas located near water, but they won’t be too fussy about their housing once cold weather arrives. Although they become less active during the winter, and some will have stored up enough fat to sleep through most of these months, some will invade homes. They will cause property damage, make people sick, and have the potential to cause bodily harm to anyone trying to remove them.

Problems Raccoons Cause in Homes

Raccoons have sharp teeth and claws that can bite and scratch people and pets, especially when they feel threatened. They are known to transmit rabies and other diseases, such as tularemia, hantavirus, roundworm, and brucellosis. Raccoons can also carry parasites like fleas, ticks, and mites, that can contribute to additional health problems inside the home.

These pests can be extremely destructive while they are foraging for food, water, and shelter. They will do whatever it takes to get what they want, including breaking windows and clawing through existing cracks and holes. Raccoons can get into homes through chimneys and vents. Once they have gained access, they will destroy anything in their way, including walls, insulation, furniture, and personal items.

Raccoons are not animals you want to have a run-in with. It is important to seek professional help from an experienced pest control and wildlife technician. Do not attempt to remove them from your home or property yourself.

Steps To Take to Prevent Raccoons

  • To prevent a raccoon invasion this winter in your Southern Maine home:
  • Keep your yard free of unwanted food and garbage.
  • Use sturdy garbage bins with tight-fitting lids.
  • Store trash receptacles away from your home.
  • Do not leave pet food outdoors.
  • Seal off all potential entry points.
  • Repair damaged screens, vents, windows, doors, soffits, and siding.

How to Get Rid of Raccoons

For elimination and protection from future raccoon invasions, call on Big Blue Bug Solutions. Our experienced technicians can create a plan that is just right for your home. We know all about solving nuisance wildlife problems, and we're equipped with all the tools and devices to do the job right, guaranteed. Give us a call for more information about the many ways we can help you!
