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Warning Signs Carpenter Bees Leave Behind Around New England Homes

a carpenter bee discreetly feasting on a wooden structure in a new england mudroom

There is an unassuming pest that often flies under the radar as concerning to homeowners. Carpenter bees are frequently overlooked as being a danger to homeowners. We worry about the more noticeable wasps or bumble bees building their nests in our trees or under our overhangs, or giving us a painful sting. We take precautions against termites and carpenter ants, so they don’t destroy the wood in our homes. Yet, carpenter bees can be just as dreadful. Not only can they sting, but they can cause damage to our New England homes.

Warning Signs to Indicate Carpenter Bee Presence

Carpenter bees prefer to make their home in untreated wood. They are solitary pests, so you won’t find a swarm of them living together in a hive as you’d expect from bees. Instead, you may see one or two flying in and out of a hole in your deck or wooden play structure. These holes are a good indication that you have a carpenter bee problem. Another sign that you have carpenter bees is wood shavings that indicate that carpenter bees are hollowing out your wood. You may also find yellow stains on your wood from the bees' fecal matter.

Carpenter Bee Season

Carpenter bees can be active well into the fall in Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. They will be busy preparing to overwinter in your wood structures. Carpenter bees don’t die in winter but close themselves off inside their nest holes and then reemerge in the early spring. They are busiest through the spring and summer, tending to their eggs and larvae and expanding their nest. 

Carpenter Bee Behavior

Male carpenter bees are aggressive and will seem like they are trying to attack you in an effort to protect their females. However, males are all bark and no bite, as they do not sting and cannot hurt you. Females do sting and their stings can cause the same kind of allergic reaction in some people that other bee stings cause. The good news is that females are not aggressive and rarely sting unless provoked or disturbed. 

Professional Pest Control for Carpenter Bees

It's always best to call the professionals when dealing with stinging pests or wood-destroying pests. With carpenter bees, you have both. At Big Blue Bug Solutions, our trained technicians can safely rid your wooden structures of carpenter bees. We can also recommend year-round pest control services that will keep your New England home free of carpenter bees and other pests. Contact us if you suspect that you have a carpenter bee problem in your Connecticut, Rhode Island, or Massachusetts home.
