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How Long Does Mosquito Season Last In Worcester?

a mosquito biting the bare skin of a worcester massachusetts resident

As summer begins to wind down, you may be starting to wonder if mosquito season is almost over. Unfortunately, the answer is no. Mosquitoes can live well into the fall in Worcester, especially if warm weather persists. Our unfortunate wet spring led to just the right conditions for mosquito breeding and this summer season has been brutal. New Englanders can still take measures to reduce the impact of mosquitoes on their property in the late summer through fall. With no relief in the near future, it’s not too late to consider professional mosquito abatement from Big Blue Bug Solutions.

Why do we think of mosquitoes as a summer pest? 

We tend to think of mosquitoes as a summer pest even though they can be active from March and April through October, and even into  November. It’s likely that we spend more time outdoors in New England in the summer months and that’s when we notice mosquitoes the most. As we’re trying to enjoy our 4th of July festivities, trips to the Cape, ball games, and more, we are acutely aware of annoying mosquitoes ruining our fun.

Why can mosquitoes stay active so long?  

Every New Englander knows that our weather is ridiculously unpredictable. Some years we have warmer weather on Thanksgiving than we do in late spring!  Mosquitoes can tolerate cold snaps and then become active again as soon as the weather warms up. When temperatures fall below 50 degrees, mosquitoes tend to become less active, but they don’t die. These cold-blooded pests are resilient and have at least a couple of months left to bug us in Worcester.

How long do you keep up with prevention?

Through the late summer and early fall months, New Englanders should continue to take measures to safeguard against mosquitoes. This includes eliminating standing water on your property, keeping up on lawn care, raking leaves as they fall, and keeping shrubbery trimmed. Continue with regular maintenance such as clearing gutters, checking hoses and sprinkler systems for leaks, and turning over gardens and flower beds.

When is it too late for professional mosquito control?

It’s never too late to call Big Blue Bug Solutions for mosquito control. We continue with monthly treatments into October. We can also apply one-time treatments for special events. We’ll even help you plan now for next mosquito season!

Give us a call at Big Blue Bug Solutions to help you squeak out every bit of enjoyment in your backyard before the snow flies. As summer winds down in New England, there are still several months left of mosquito season. Call us so you can enjoy your backyard for as long as possible with fewer mosquitoes to worry about.
