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Keep Your Pet Protected Against Summer Fleas

dog scratching flea bites

When you look at a blown-up picture of fleas, you'll notice their hind legs. The length and strength of these legs make fleas capable of jumping 150 times their own height! Imagine if humans could jump 150 times their own height. Since fleas are only about 2 to 3 mm long, the distance still seems small to us, but it’s all they need to get by. Being great jumpers, fleas can easily hop onto rodents that are headed toward your yard, or leap onto pets coming through your door. Once inside, their population will multiply and they can quickly become an unbearable nuisance. Not only will they make you and your pets itchy, but they can also spread diseases and parasites. At Big Blue Bug, we want to make sure flea infestations are out of your hair - or should we say out of your pet’s fur - as soon as possible!

The Dangers Fleas Pose

Fleas feed on blood. In fact, female fleas need their first blood meal before they can even start laying their eggs. They get this blood from rodents, other wildlife, pets, or humans. Our guide to avoiding flea bites may come in handy for you if you are suffering from flea bites.

One of the first signs of a flea infestation will likely be the non-stop itching of your pets. A flea comb can be helpful to find the bugs in their fur.  
Another sign of fleas may be seeing the small, black pests jumping on furniture, bedding, and even your socks.

Not only do fleas cause itchy bites, but their bites can result in secondary infections. Fleas have the potential to make your pet anemic. They can transmit bubonic plague (although rare) and murine typhus. Tapeworm can be spread to dogs and cats though fleas, as well. Since fleas pose so many threats to our pets, it’s important to protect them.

Prevention Steps to Keep Fleas Out This Summer and Fall

It can be difficult to eliminate a flea infestation on your own due to their quantity and the hardiness of these pests.

We recommend the following steps to help reduce the likelihood of a flea infestation:

  • Speak to your veterinarian about flea prevention and which product is best for your pet.
  • Vacuum regularly.
  • Wash bedding frequently.
  • Clean furniture regularly.
  • Eliminate rodent infestations and rodents in your yard.
  • Contact Pest Control.

Fleas have proven to be persistent and hard to get rid of. They have a hard outer shell that makes them hard to squish. Their eggs and larvae sometimes stick to the carpet, even through regular household vacuuming. The best way to eliminate a flea infestation is to contact your local pest control company. At Big Blue Bug Solutions we have the tools and knowledge to eliminate fleas as soon as possible. Our goal is to protect you and your pets from any common household pests. Our home pest control can save you from the trouble that fleas cause. Reach out to get started.
