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How Big Blue Bug Protects New England Pets Against Lyme Disease

a didease carrying deer tick crawling along the leaf of a new england residence

In New England, we embrace all of our seasons, but there’s nothing like the warm weather and seeing the sun melt away the snow. We welcome summer and want to enjoy the warmth as much as possible. Big Blue Bug Solutions is here to help you do that.

Since warm weather means more pest threats for us and our pets, we’ve created pest control plans to help those in Southern Maine, Providence, throughout Rhode Island, in Worcester, and along with other areas of Massachusetts.

Lyme and Other Threats

Lyme may be the most talked about disease spread by ticks right now, but several diseases that are spread by ticks actually exist. Here in New England, we have different types of ticks that spread various diseases.

Listed below are some of the more common tick-borne dangers that you should be aware of:

Deer Tick (or Black-legged Tick)

Lyme disease is transmitted by deer ticks that have been infected. Lyme disease can leave a bullseye rash in humans, but this is not the case with dogs. In dogs, joint pain, lack of energy, lack of appetite, and fever may be present. Deer ticks can also spread Anaplasmosis, also known as “dog fever”. This disease may cause symptoms that include diarrhea, vomiting, and sometimes seizures. A third disease spread by deer ticks is babesiosis, which can cause anemia, fever, weakness, and swollen lymph nodes.

American Dog Tick

These ticks are responsible for transmitting Tularemia, which can cause fever, lack of energy, dehydration, swollen lymph nodes, and white patches on tongue. They also are capable of transmitting Rocky Mountain spotted fever, which causes fever, joint pain, anemia, skin sores, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Lone Star Tick

The Lone Star tick can also transmit Tularemia and Ehrlichiosis, which causes fever, muscle pain, and confusion.


  • With all the threats that ticks pose, it’s important to protect our pets, as well as ourselves and our family. You can play a role in protecting your pets by contacting your veterinarian for the best tick protection.
  • You can also keep your grass trimmed short and trim back vegetation. The less wooded area and wildlife on your property, the fewer ticks you’ll have.
  • Field mice are a common way for ticks to find their way on to New England properties. If you can keep rodents away, this will help.

Big Blue Bug Solutions can help protect New England pets through several techniques and control measures. Our pest control professionals will identify areas that harbor ticks. Our professionals will reduce breeding sites and help prevent ticks from coming onto your property. Big Blue’s tick control is here to help you and your pets stay safe. Give us a call!
