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Why Bats Invade New England Homes


If bats tend to give you the heebie-jeebies, you’re not alone. Their nearly silent flutter is known to jump many people as they swoop by so unexpectedly. Bats can be pretty scary, but did you know that they play very important roles in our ecosystem? They pollinate flowers and spread seeds for over 500 plants! They can also help to control some pests with their diet, which consists of insects. However, while bats are very important for our environment, they do not make great members of a person’s household.

Two types of bats are the most common in New England; little brown bats and big brown bats. Little brown bats are anywhere from 2 1/2 to 3 3/4 inches long, and their bodies are glossy brown with rounded, black ears. Big brown bats, as you probably guessed, are bigger than little brown bats. They can be anywhere from 4 to 5 inches in length and have a wingspan of about 11-13 inches (compared to the little brown bat that has a span of 8-11 inches). Big brown bats have a darker brown body and their face and feet are both black.

As mentioned before, bats are important members of our ecosystem. They eat mosquitoes, something that can surely be appreciated here in New England! However, bats as pests are a different story. Little and big browns can be detrimental to the people whose homes they invade. People should be on edge as the weather begins to cool because this is the time bats will be settling into homes for the winter. If there are lots of insects around to feed on and sources of water, your home could be the perfect location for bats. Common places they will reside are attics, eaves, and behind shutters. If bats invade your home, they may be bringing in some health risks you should be aware of.

  • There is a fungus found in their feces that can cause a very serious lung disease known as histoplasmosis.
  • Bats won’t attack you, but they’ve been known to bite in self-defense, especially when a homeowner is trying to remove them.
  • Some bats carry rabies and can transmit this disease to you. Any physical contact with a bat can potentially spread rabies.
  • Parasitic pests live on bats, fleas, mites, and ticks to name a few. When bats enter your home, these pests could also be brought into your home, creating an even bigger problem.
  • Aside from health risks and dangers, bats can also cause structural damage when entering in and out as they please.

These pests are not something to be taken lightly. Aside from their frightening swoops, bats can bring many other potential problems that you don’t want in your home. If you believe you have a bat infestation, call Big Blue Bug Solutions today. These pests are not likely to be controlled by DIY treatments. Let professionals remove the bats, and their health risks, safely. Big Blue Bug offers expert wildlife removal along with other pest control services. Don’t wait, call today to rid your home of unwanted guests.