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The Damage Squirrel Infestations Cause

squirrel sitting on a tree

If you live in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, or Rhode Island, chances are you’ve seen quite a few squirrels hopping across your lawn or climbing up your bird feeders. Squirrels pretty common in this area and are easily recognized by their bushy tails and big eyes. And while these squirrels may seem harmless as they collect their food for winter storage, experiencing them as pests is not something anyone wants to go through! When these pests get inside our homes, they can cause an array of problems.

Squirrels are rodents, which means that their front teeth never stop growing. Because of this, these pests constantly need to chew and gnaw in order to maintain them. As you can imagine, this constant chewing can be pretty hard on your home. Squirrels will chew through the wood of your home, creating holes that allow them to come and go as they please. These pests can also cause damages to your walls, ceilings, and the external parts of your home. And the damages they can cause in your home can become quite pricey. Not only will squirrels chew through wood, but other items in your home as well including insulation and wires. When squirrels chew on electrical wires, it creates a fire hazard in your home, making it unsafe to live in. On top of all that, the holes they create in your home will allow other pests to enter as well. If you think you have a squirrel infestation, it’s important to seek professional help right away. The professionals will be able to rid your home of these pests and assess the extent of the damage that has been done as well as help prepare your home for the fall to prevent any pests from entering.

In addition to the damages that squirrels can cause with their chewing, their fur and feces can also be a huge nuisance. Since insulation is a popular spot for squirrels to make their nests, there may be lots of droppings in this area and the smell may become very strong. Squirrels can also bring in parasites such as fleas and ticks into your home on their fur. Though squirrels are not known to spread any diseases, it’s important to take precaution and follow good hygiene when dealing with their feces. You may come across their feces throughout your kitchen, in cabinets or pantries, or in your attic. If you do, you should contact a pest control professional to find out which rodent you are dealing with. Other signs of squirrel activity to be aware of include finding food containers that have been chewed or gnawed on and hearing scratching sounds in your attic or the walls of your home.

Squirrels are likely to enter our homes in the fall as the weather begins to cool as this is the time of year when these rodents will be on the hunt for a warm place to spend the winter. Unfortunately, our homes make the perfect place for these pests to wait out the winter chill. So now is the time to start preparing your home and taking measures to prevent any unwanted squirrel invasions this season. In order to accomplish this, follow these tips:

  • Seal any holes, cracks, and gaps in the exterior of your home that could allow pests to enter your home.
  • Keep bird feeders a good distance from your home to make your property less appealing.
  • Keep any trees and bushes on your property trimmed back at least 6-8 feet away from your home to avoid squirrels using them to gain easy access to your home.
  • Install screens to any vents and openings in your home, especially chimneys, to prevent pests from using them to gain access to your home.

When dealing with a squirrel infestation, it can be hard to tell exactly how much damage they have caused. If you want to protect your home from being invaded by squirrels and other household pests this season, it’s important to enlist the help of a professional pest control company. It can be dangerous to attempt to eliminate squirrels on your own which is why solving squirrel problems should be left to the professionals! At Big Blue Bug Solutions, we provide excellent wildlife solutions. To solve your wildlife problems, our experienced professionals will create a program based on your specific needs. In addition to providing unique wildlife services, we can also install prevention methods to prevent future wildlife problems! Contact us today to learn more about our wildlife control services.
