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How To Protect Your New England Home From Cockroaches This Fall

cockroach found in new england home

We often think of cockroaches as a southern problem. We have the rough New England winters, and they have the big southern bugs. It seems only fair. However, that’s not quite how things work out. While we don’t have to worry about some of the bugs that thrive in the south, cockroaches can be a problem here in New England. In this article, we will talk about the three major species of cockroaches in New England, why they are a problem, and what you might be doing to inadvertently invite them into your home.

American Cockroaches

American cockroaches are the largest roaches on this list. They can grow up to two inches in length. They are reddish-brown with a yellow area behind their head and they can fly. American cockroaches typically live outdoors in moist environments such as mulch or wood piles.

German Cockroaches

German cockroaches are much smaller than American cockroaches, growing to only around ½ an inch to 5/8 of an inch. They are light brown, have two black parallel lines down their head, and, although they have wings, they cannot fly. German cockroaches are very adaptable to various living conditions and are the most likely roach to be found inside homes.

Oriental Cockroaches

Oriental cockroaches grow to about an inch in length. They are shiny, dark brown, and cannot fly. Oriental cockroaches prefer high humidity and are sometimes called water bugs because of their love of moisture. If you find them in your home, they are likely to be in the basement, bathroom, or sink areas.

Dangers of Cockroaches

Cockroaches do not sting and they rarely bite. Even if you were to get bitten, cockroach bites do not usually cause major problems. That doesn’t mean that roaches are harmless, however.

Due to some of the unsanitary places these filthy creatures live and eat, places such as bathrooms, dumpsters, and sewers, cockroaches can carry bacteria on their bodies that can contaminate food and food-prep areas. These bacteria's can cause vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and even Salmonella. Cockroaches also shed their skin and leave excrement behind which can cause severe asthma attacks in some people.

How to Keep Roaches Out of Your Home

While roaches are at their peak in summer, they are still a serious threat in the fall, especially as they look for shelter because of the cooler weather. Some ways to protect your home from a cockroach invasion include:

  • Inspect around the perimeter of your home for cracks, holes, and crevices, and seal any entry point you find.
  • Keep your home dry. Fix leaks immediately and repair anything damaged by water. Keep humidity low with the help of dehumidifiers.
  • Remove garbage from inside and outside your home on a regular basis. Keep trash bins tightly sealed when not in use.
  • Keep your yard free of debris. Stack woodpiles away from your home.

What to Do If They’re Already in Your Home

Cockroaches can be tricky to eliminate on your own because they are often hiding in many more spots than you can see. The professional pest control experts from Big Blue Bug Solutions can take care of your cockroach problem and fully resolve the infestation. Give us a call today to learn more about our residential pest control programs.
