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Fall Wildlife Prevention For South Portland Homes

raccoon in shed

While spring and summer are ideal for insect infestations in New England, the fall and winter will generally bring more problems, when wildlife pests are preparing for winter. In the South Portland area, homeowners need to be prepared to defend their homes against raccoons, skunks, moles, and voles, and the damage they can cause.

Raccoons can be quite cute but, beware, they can also be aggressive if they are cornered and they can scratch and bite voraciously. They can carry rabies and other diseases which are harmful to humans and pets. They can also cause a lot of damage if they break into your home. They sometimes do this through a hole or damaged soffit, and then wreak havoc looking for food and shelter. You can sometimes tell if you have a raccoon in the neighborhood by the overturned garbage cans and the contents strewn all over the ground. Once the weather gets cooler, they will be looking for a constant supply of food and water, as well as shelter. If you have a raccoon inside your home, it is best not to disturb it. You will need to get the help of a wildlife control expert in your area.

Skunks may look like beautiful exotic house cats, and they do not usually bite or scratch, but they have been known to do it on occasion. Their real defense system is their odorous spray, and they also can carry rabies and other diseases. You may see them digging up your vegetation, foraging through your trash, or burrowing beneath your porches and outbuildings. They can also cause damage to your home by finding their way into your walls and attic. Again, these creatures are just looking for shelter, water, and food for the winter, and it is extremely important to seek a professional that can help you get rid of them.

Moles primarily live underground, digging for vegetation, insects, and worms. They are small with a narrow pointed nose and short but enlarged powerful front feet, used for digging. These little powerhouses will rarely be seen by humans, and will only bite if under serious distress. They really are only dangerous to lawns, vegetation, and landscaping, but the damage can be extensive because they can ruin root systems and plants. You will know when you have an infestation of moles because molehills and raised tunnels will start popping up all over your lawn, as well as dying plants, grass, and garden vegetation.  Moles infest properties that offer vegetation, worms, and insects, and also properties near wooded areas.

Voles are part of the rodent family, but they don’t usually invade homes the way other rodents do. They are similar to moles as they dig underground, making tunnels and burrows to raise their young and store food. Voles rarely bite but they can spread illnesses through their feces and urine, and they can bring parasites into your yard and property. If you have voles, you will notice traveled runways between entrances to their burrows. These are above ground and littered with feces. You will also notice dying grass and plants in the area. voles are also known for their ability to do serious damage to crops, fruit trees, and landscaping.

Fences won’t keep these types of animals from coming into your yard or finding a way into your home, but you can do routine inspections around your home to spot if there are any invaders on your property or places where they are attempting to get into your home. You should also be diligent with food and trash by making sure you clean up spills right away and keep your trash in sturdy bins with tight-fitting lids.

The #1 way to prevent wildlife from invading your property and home is by bringing a professional wildlife management service on board no matter what specific threat you are dealing with. In South Portland, you can count on the experts at Big Blue Bug Solutions for all of your pest and nuisance wildlife problems. Give us a call to find out more about our services and our FREE wildlife inspections, we look forward to serving you.
