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Fall Nuisance Pest Prevention For New England Residents

earwig in new england home

New England homeowners are plagued with nuisance pests every fall. Some of these pests include stink bugs, earwigs, silverfish, and centipedes. For the most part, they are far less dangerous than many pests, but they are a nuisance.

Here is what you need to know:

Stink bugs

  • Stink Bugs have a defense mechanism that releases a foul odor if they feel threatened, and that smell can be overpowering inside a home.
  • Their bodies are shield-like in shape and their coloring ranges from brown to tan with patches of copper. They may have a metallic blue coloring on their heads.
  • Stink bugs can cause significant damage to farm crops and plants.
  • You will see stink bugs gathering in large groups on sunny sides of homes.
  • They look for warmth and shelter in the fall, which means they often overwinter indoors.


The name earwig came from stories that told of these bugs crawling into people’s ears and burrowing into their brains to lay eggs.

Though frightening to think about, this myth is false.

  • Earwigs have long, narrow bodies with reddish to dark brown coloring. They may or may not have wings.
  • At the tip of their abdomens, there are pincher-like parts, lending earwigs their nickname, “pincher-bugs”.
  • They like to reside in dark, moist places under logs, rocks, and mulch.
  • Earwigs do not bite but they can pinch if they are threatened.
  • You may find these bugs hiding under newspapers, plants, rugs, and other items inside your home.
  • They often seek shelter indoors to find warmth and moisture.


  • Silverfish have the ability to move in a fish-like manner, which is how they got their name.
  • Their bodies are flat and silver, with 3 bristles protruding from the back of their abdomens.
  • Silverfish do not bite, sting, or pose any health risk.
  • They can damage wallpaper and fabrics while eating these items.
  • You will find silverfish where there are high levels of humidity, and they will make their way indoors looking for moisture and food.


  • Centipedes do not actually have one hundred legs as their name implies. Rather, they may have as few as 20 to as many as 350 legs, depending on their size.
  • Their bodies are flat, yellowish-brown in color, and can grow to over 6 inches long.
  • Centipede bites can be extremely painful, as they are venomous, but they do not pose a real threat to humans.
  • You will usually see centipedes infesting damp basements and bathrooms.
  • They find their way inside homes searching for food and moisture.

When it comes to prevention, you may lower your risk for most of these nuisance pest infestations by lowering the humidity in your home. Humidifiers, in particular, can be helpful in damp basements. Another way to discourage pests is to keep your yard free from debris, dead trees, rotten logs, and leaf litter. Your rain gutters should be clear of any blockage to prevent moisture from collecting around the base of your home, and you should seal off any cracks and crevices through which these pests can gain entry.

Nuisance pests can be extremely difficult to get rid of on your own, so you should seek professional assistance to avoid infestations throughout the winter. No matter the problem, Big Blue Bug Solutions can handle it with efficient and effective solutions.

Give us a call now to learn more about protecting your home all winter long!
