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What You Need To Know About Silverfish


Silverfish are fascinating insects from the phylum arthropoda, the subclass apterygota, and the species Lepisma saccharina, but you probably didn't come here for a biology lesson. If you have these pests in your home, you don't need a bunch of fancy words or fancy scientific facts. You want actionable information to help you get rid of those bugs and keep them out for good. Here's what you need to know.

If Silverfish Are In Your Home

Are you seeing silver, tear-shaped insects crawling around in your home? It is important to understand that silverfish are moisture pests. That means they're going to gravitate to areas in your home where moisture or humidity is high. Controlling moisture and humidity is one of the best ways to drive these bugs back out. This can be done by adding fans and dehumidifiers in key locations within your home. If it gets dry enough, silverfish should leave or die trying. If they do not, then there are some conditions within the home that are allowing them to find the moisture they need.

If you've installed fans and dehumidifiers, it is good to follow this with some form of monitoring method. Sticky traps are perfect for this. Place sticky traps in basement areas and other locations you've seen silverfish crawling around. If you find silverfish stuck to these traps, you'll know that you still have a silverfish problem.

If you continue to see silverfish, it is important to call a professional. These insects can be destructive to your personal property and they may become a pantry pest. A professional knows how to monitor for silverfish activity and how to fully eliminate these pests.

If Silverfish Have Not Gotten In Yet

Before silverfish get into a home, they explore foundation and exterior walls. Your goal should be to make sure they don't find any entry points. Do a detailed inspection of the outside of your home and fill in any holes, gaps, or cracks you find. Inspect screens, especially on windows in foundation walls. Be aware that silverfish will target rotting wood. If you suspect that you may have rotting wood in a hard-to-reach location, it may be necessary to pull some boards up on your deck or patio to take a peek. If you are not able to seal your walls properly, you can bolster your defenses with routine treatments from a pest control company.

Silverfish Attractants

Before silverfish explore your foundation and exterior walls, they are lured into your yard. Here are some of the conditions that will attract them.

  • Moist Ground. Any conditions around your home that promote moisture will draw silverfish in. If you have obstructed gutters that allow rainwater to spill over and run down your walls, you're going to have a wet foundation perimeter. If you have a leaking spigot or hose, puddles will form. It is important to fix these issues and dry things up if you want to keep silverfish away.
  • Rotting Wood. Silverfish eat cellulose, which is found in wood products. They also enjoy being in rotting wood because wood rot is usually the result of water damage, and that means that rotting wood is going to be damp.
  • Darkness. Silverfish are mostly nocturnal and they prefer dark areas. If they can find dark, shaded locations on your property, they will be happy. This may be the darkness under a deck, porch, or stairwell. It may also be darkness created by a tarp lying on the ground or some other object that the sun cannot penetrate.

Silverfish Control

The most important thing to know about silverfish is that you can have ongoing control of silverfish for your home as part of a year-round pest service. At Big Blue Bug Solutions, a program that comes with silverfish control also provides control for cockroaches, mice, rats, bees, wasps, carpet beetles, ants, clothes moths, and more. If you live in our extensive New England service area, reach out to us to learn more, or to schedule a free inspection. It is a win-win!

Don't let silverfish take over your home. Get help today with assistance from the bug experts at Big Blue Bug Solutions.
