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Flea Prevention Tips Every Homeowner Should Know About

flea close up

Having a flea infestation can be annoying. They will turn up everywhere in your home, and humans and pets alike will end up itching and scratching like crazy. The most common flea in the United States is the cat flea. Fleas feed off the blood of a mammal, lay hundreds of eggs, and can reproduce rapidly. They are tiny pests that only grow up to 1/8” in length. They can be reddish, brownish, or black in color, and their bodies are flat. Flea bites will cause a red itchy bump that can be very annoying and occasionally cause secondary infections from scratching and breaking the skin. Fleas can also spread tapeworm to cats and dogs.

Flea infestations can start by coming into your home on your pet, wildlife or on our clothing. Fleas can jump up to six inches at a time, making it easy for them to jump on a family pet, and sneak right inside without us even knowing it. Their bodies are flat so they are able to sneak in through tiny cracks and crevices as well.

Infestations can be detected in your home by the bite marks on humans or pets. If you suspect an infestation of fleas you should inspect your home and pets for them. They are very small, and you may also find tiny black dots that are their droppings on your pet's skin.

Flea infestations are terrible, and hard to get rid of. Treating your pet will help your pet from getting more fleas, but that will not get rid of all of the other ones that have managed to invade the rest of your house. To help get rid of fleas and prevent them, you should vacuum your home on regular bases. Keep your lawn mowed and vegetation trimmed back away from your home to prevent wildlife from hunkering down close and spreading fleas. Always treat your pets with vet-approved flea and tick medication and keep your dogs on a leash or nearby. Pets should be groomed regularly and checked by a veterinarian occasionally.

If you find yourself invaded by fleas, don’t worry, just call on us at Big Blue Bug Solutions, the experts in professional flea control. Sometimes despite the best prevention tips, homes can still experience flea infestations. Having a residential pest control plan in place can help you avoid fleas and other bothersome pests. 
