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Keeping Mosquitoes Out Of South Portland Homes And Yards


With all of the news and information about the dangers of mosquito-borne illnesses, it’s hard to know what to do. This summer, it is more important than ever to avoid getting bitten and prevent mosquitoes from breeding in order to avoid mosquito-borne diseases from them like the West Nile virus, Zika virus, yellow fever, malaria, tularemia, Eastern equine encephalitis, and canine heartworm; this is especially true in South Portland, Maine where the summers are hot and humid, creating perfect conditions for mosquito activity!

Though enlisting the help of a pest control professional is the most effective way to reduce the population mosquitoes around your property, there are a few helpful tips you can implement to help prevent mosquitoes on your property. The first step in controlling the mosquito population is to remove all standing water around your yard, as areas of standing water provide the perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can breed in just about any area of standing water including overturned toys, tools, pools, wheelbarrows, old tires, and other items; to eliminate mosquitoes and prevent them from breeding in your yard, the items that can collect water need to not only be turned over but also put away to avoid future issues. It is also important to make sure that your roof gutters are cleaned out and flowing properly and that the water from these gutters is being directed away from your home to a place where it will not become stagnant. A few more helpful tips to help reduce mosquito populations include allowing for adequate drainage on your property and inspecting other areas around the home that may collect any amount of water, keep your lawn cut short and trim back any thick vegetation, shrubs, and tall grasses that may attract mosquitoes, and always replace or repair leaky faucets and damaged pipes right away to avoid excess moisture on your property.

DIY methods for reducing mosquitoes can be costly, time-consuming, dangerous, and are usually ineffective. Our mosquito and tick control experts can help you take back your yard again so that you can get out and really enjoy it! Our highly-effective mosquito control solutions include an inspection to identify the areas where mosquito activity is present, as well as reducing breeding sites to control larva and adult mosquitoes. Our solutions can drastically reduce the mosquito population throughout the whole of mosquito season. We also offer one-time services for special events and weddings.

Call Big Blue Bug Solutions for more information about our services in New England! With over 80 years of experience, you can depend on our services to protect your home and family from a number of common South Portland pests.
