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Tell Those Woodchucks To Stop Chucking Wood

woodchuck near home

Here's the scene. You walk out to gather firewood, only to find wood chucked everywhere-- scattered all over the place, on the grass, in the driveway, everywhere! You immediately know what has happened. It's those pesky woodchucks again! Okay, you probably know that this type of thing doesn't really happen; woodchucks don't actually chuck wood (or anything else for that matter) but they can cause problems in other ways.

Woodchucks (Marmota monax)

Woodchucks have been called by many names, including groundhog, marmot, grass rat, and earth pig. Woodchucks are stout-bodied rodents that can live for up to 8 years digging and destroying property. They can grow to be up to 25 inches long and weigh up to 15 pounds at their heaviest. A woodchuck's fur ranges from a yellowish-brown to reddish-brown or can be nearly black, with more of a buff color on the underbelly.

The Problems With Woodchucks

Woodchucks can be frustrating if you have things in your yard that you would rather not have eaten, things such as vegetables, sunflowers, or leafy ornamentals. If you have berry bushes that you are particularly attached to, these little yard invaders will make you very unhappy indeed. While installing fencing (which goes at least a foot under the ground) around gardens and bushes will help deter these animals from eating the fruits of your labor, it does not prevent all of the issues these pests pose.

Woodchucks burrow underneath the soil and create dead patches in your lawn. They disrupt root systems which will eventually cause the plants attached to those roots to die. They are also known to dig around sprinkler systems which can cause them to no longer work properly. Their digging can cause supports underneath decks and patios to sink into the ground, creating structural damage.

If woodchucks are tunneling under your foundation, this can affect the structure on top of the foundation, leading to warped sheds, barns, or houses.

All wild animals can bring secondary pests onto your property. Woodchucks are known to carry mites, ticks, and fleas. While these animals do not spread these parasites directly into homes the way rats and mice can, they can spread these parasites to pets.

If you are seeing woodchucks or the signs that they leave behind, it is time to partner with a professional pest control company to have those animals safely and humanely removed. Homeowners should never try to remove wild animals on their own, as it may result in injury or the contracting of a disease such as rabies.

You may not have to worry about your woodpile being "chucked" all over your yard, but it is still a wise move to have those non-wood-chucking woodchucks removed. Reach out to the wildlife control experts at Big Blue Bug Solutions today for prompt, professional assistance.
