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Winter Wildlife Is Coming In Southern Maine - Are You Protected?


As the weather in Maine continues to plummet, we may be under the false impression that we no longer have to worry about pests, after all, they have all died off, right? Many are still active and looking for food or a warm place to hide. Among these pests are squirrels, opossums, raccoons, and bats. Each will pose a hazard to you and your home. 


A medium-sized rodent, squirrels are gray with a big, bushy tail. Since they’re rodents, they have constantly growing incisors that cause them to continuously chew so their teeth don’t overgrow. If they are gnawing on pieces of your property, you've got a problem.

Damage can be done to the structure of your home, personal property, and even electrical wires, which may create a fire hazard. If you have a squirrel infestation, you’ll likely find feces in your cupboards and chew marks on boxes and other food packaging. You may also hear scratching noises around your home. Squirrels can become aggressive and even bite when provoked or feeling threatened.


Opossums are about the size of a house cat. They’re black or gray, with a lighter-colored face and a pink nose. These pests are a nuisance, as they enter homes in search of food, water, and shelter.

Opossums sometimes bite, but are more likely to growl and bare their teeth. They’re most likely to be noticed as they hunt for food, burrowing through the trash or digging up lawns in search of insects.


Raccoons are well known for their black “masks” of fur around their eyes and for their ringed tails. They can be quite large, growing up to 3 feet in length, including their tail. They can be aggressive.

Raccoons will bite and scratch when feeling threatened. These pests have become somewhat reliant on humans for food and are commonly found digging in trash bins. You’ll likely notice a raccoon infestation by the overturned garbage cans or the refuse spread across your yard.


Another common wildlife to invade homes is the bat. Little brown bats and big brown bats can both be household pests, as they enter to seek shelter from the colder months. When cornered or threatened, bats will sometimes bite.

Bats are a concern because they can be carriers of rabies. There is also a fungus found in bat droppings that can affect people’s lungs and potentially lead to lung disease. They are likely to be found nesting in attics or eaves of homes.

How to Keep Wildlife Out of Your Home

Preventing wildlife break-ins is important for the residents of Maine. The colder months are a prime time to run into these animals. Don’t let them stay for the winter!

Not only will these pesky critters actively pursue your food and trash, but you’ll likely end up with their babies on your property come spring. On top of this, all of these pests have the potential to bring in more pests, such as ticks, fleas, and mites. With the right prevention methods, damage and risks can be avoided.

How to Protect Your Home from Wildlife This Winter

These tips from Big Blue Bug Solutions will protect your home this winter:

  • Trim tree limbs and shrubs away from the exterior walls of your house. 
  • Inspect the exterior of your home for entry holes or cracks. The chimney and vents should be properly covered. Closely monitor your attic, under the deck, and your basement. All of these places are potential shelters for wildlife over the winter.
  • Take your trash out regularly, and keep it a safe distance from your home. Trash bins are attractive to wild animals. If you can keep this appetizing food source out of reach, they’re likely to move on.

How to Get Rid of a Wildlife Infestation 

If you suspect a wildlife infestation, it’s best to call a professional. Removing wildlife can be dangerous. If you notice an animal in your home, leave it alone and contact an expert. A professional will safely remove the animal from your home for you.

At Big Blue Bug Solutions, our technicians are well-trained and experienced in dealing with wildlife invasions. We’ll inspect your home to determine how they got in and how to prevent future infestations. Contact us to learn more about our wildlife control methods. We are here to help you!