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Why South Portland Residents Should Consider Year-Round Pest Control


How often do you see pests around your home? Think about it. How many flies are buzzing about? Are you able to have a picnic outside in the summer without ants, wasps, or other critters joining the party? Are you trying to ignore your pests, or do they bother you daily? Either way, we are certain if you were to wake up tomorrow with those pests gone, your quality of life would improve drastically. Let us show you why.

Peace Of Mind

Peace can sometimes be a hard thing to find, especially here in South Portland where everything always seems to be moving at the speed of light. Quality pest control helps slow things way down, at least on your property. When you can sit outside in the warm air of spring and not be eaten alive by mosquitoes, it adds to your enjoyment of the place you call home. When you can walk through your kitchen without worrying about finding ants stealing bread off the counter again, it helps make your living areas worry-free. When you choose year-round pest control, you do not just choose a life without pests, you choose a life with more available peace.

Why DIY Just Doesn’t Cut It

Have you ever tried to deal with pests on your own? It can be infuriating. Mouse traps often don’t work right, pesticides can threaten you and your family more than pests if not used right, and it can seem like no matter what you do, pests just keep coming and coming. With year-round protection through Big Blue Bug Solutions, however, you can rest easy knowing we have your back. We have the knowledge and equipment needed to fight pests off your property successfully. DIY can be a major risk, but with Big Blue Bug Solutions on your side, you can be sure that pests are being controlled in a very safe manner.

There When You Need Us

When you choose year-round pest control with Big Blue Bug Solutions, you don’t have to worry about paying out every time you need a wasp nest removed or have ant hills in your yard. It is all covered in your plan. Meaning if you find wasps in your yard, or rodents invading your basement, all you have to do is call, and we will solve your pest problem. Each pest has its season, but Big Blue Bug Solutions protects you from them all. If you are looking for a year-round quality solution for all of your pest needs, you have found it here with the professionals of Big Blue Bug Solutions.