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What Happens To New England Termites In The Winter?

termite colony in new England home

There are a lot of benefits to living in New England. We get to experience all four seasons and the activities that go along with them. We gain a greater appreciation for summer due to our long, cold winters. Most pests take a break from bugging us in the fall and winter.

There are some pests that can be a problem year-round, however. Rodents, for example, are often a bigger problem in the colder months than in warmer months. Winter is when pests move into a climate-controlled environment like your home in order to keep warm.

Why Termites are a Year-Round Problem

While not always the case, termites are another pest that can be a problem year-round. Typically, when termites are living outside where they should be, they’ll go deeper underground in the winter in order to survive. While they don’t hibernate, their activity does slow during the winter months. This sounds like good news, and it is, if you don’t already have a termite problem in your house.

If termites are already infesting your home, however, they will not slow their activity when the cold weather hits, primarily because they won’t realize that temperatures have dropped. When termites move into your home they are provided with a climate-controlled environment and a plentiful food source. They will remain happily active all year long, destroying your house and growing in number.

If left undeterred, they can build satellite colonies in various spots in your home. Their populations can easily grow into the thousands, and they will cause a huge amount of structural damage to your home.

What to Do About Termites

The best course of action to take when it comes to termites is to prevent them from getting into your home in the first place. Big Blue Bug Solutions can help by inspecting and identifying areas of weakness in your home’s defenses. We can also make recommendations on how to repair these weak areas and make your home less welcoming to a termite invasion. We offer treatment options to prevent future infestations.

Sometimes it’s too late for preventative action. If you see any of the following signs, you may already have a termite infestation in your house:

  • Mud tubes along your foundation walls outside or basement walls inside.
  • 'Frass' (a sawdust-like substance) on the floor or directly below small holes in the wood.
  • Wood beams that sound hollow when you knock on them.
  • Sagging or warped walls, ceilings, or floors.
  • A large number of discarded wings (this usually occurs in spring).

If you find any of these signs, it’s an indication that termites have gained entry to your home. If your home already has termites in it, eradication and then year-round protection, is crucial.

Once termites get into your home, they will not take a vacation. Big Blue Bug Solutions can eliminate your termite problems and prevent future infestations from occurring.

Whether you have a termite problem or not, year-round protection is essential. Contact Big Blue Bug Solutions for more information.
