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Why Wildlife Are More Of A Problem In The Fall


Perhaps you've noticed more animal activity recently. More deer sightings, squirrels at every turn, and an obstacle course of various kinds of roadkill. We might attribute this to hunting season and how we can stir up an ecosystem by traipsing through it, but in fact, most mammals become naturally more active during the fall as they prepare to overwinter. The search for food and shelter is an overpowering motivator for wildlife to be out and about, and to get into whatever they can if given the opportunity. For us, this means an increased risk of finding out that these animals have taken up residence around or even in our homes, and this can become a serious problem to deal with.

Squirrels are perhaps the most common of wildlife to be seen in the fall, and their desire to store food and find a snug place to sleep through the winter will often lead them to the convenient cubbyholes we have unintentionally created for them, most often garage spaces and attics. Raccoons have been known to try and inhabit man-made structures, but more commonly they simply want to raid any food sources we leave open to them, and often our definition of "safely stored" is not secure enough to keep out these clever creatures. Trash cans, compost, pet foods, and birdseed are all fair game, and raccoons have been known to defeat containers marketed specifically to keep them out. Skunks pose a similar problem, and though less able to access protected foods, they are also much less pleasant to encounter. Skunks also like to burrow, and the sandy earth by a foundation slab or the space under a porch is often prime real estate for a smelly couple to settle in for the cold season.

Dealing with these, as with most pests, is best done by preventative measures. First and foremost we want to protect our houses and outbuildings. A thorough inspection of ground-level access points, eaves, chimneys, doors, and windows will hopefully reveal the most obvious routes of entry that woodland critters might make use of, and that we should seal off. For squirrels, in particular, ensuring that tree limbs and shrubbery are cut away from buildings will help keep them from seeing your home as a potential habitat. And with all these and other pests, keeping food as difficult for them to access as possible will make your home much less desirable to be around. Scent-sealed containers can make a big difference, and placing bird feeders away from your house, though less appealing to the bird watcher, will keep animals from seeing your home as convenient nesting or storage.

Skunks, squirrels, raccoons, and other wildlife animals are pests that we don't recommend homeowners take care of themselves. These mammals are potential hosts for ticks, and fleas, have sharp teeth and claws, and are carriers of disease, most notably rabies. In all, you are much safer off calling in certified professionals to handle your wildlife problem. At Big Blue Bug Solutions we have an incredible team of wildlife specialists standing by to assist you with just such problems as those mentioned, and more! Big Blue Bug Solutions offers wildlife removal services that are tailored to each home's needs, and we know how to remove these furry pests without harming them if possible. Don't let this fall become a battle to keep out the outdoor creatures. Have Big Blue Bug Solutions fight on your behalf while you prepare to get cozy for the winter ahead.