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Is Year-Round Pest Control The Answer For Your South Portland Home?

technician talking about a pest problem with customer

Folks who have experienced the heartbreak and expense of having pests in their home will be the first to tell you that the process of removing them can be quite daunting. Pests such as termites, mice, wildlife, and a whole list of others can be very destructive guests to have on the property. Many of which also bring with them disease that can easily transmit to the family living in the home.

It is an unfortunate fact that most homeowners have no idea that there are any pests at all living in their walls until those pests have been there for weeks or even months. Still, others see one mouse or ant and think that it is the only one. We assume that this one will find its way out soon enough just like it found its way in. When they finally call a professional pest control technician, the infestation has spread throughout the home.

You can avoid expensive extermination and repair costs by contacting Big Blue Bug Solutions. With our residential pest control program, you can avoid the most common pests that folks in South Portland have to deal with each year. Our residential control program offers homeowners 3 visits each year where one of our professional technicians will inspect and protect your home from dangerous pests. Should you require service in between visits, our technicians will be at your door quickly and at no extra cost to you.

Commercial property owners can benefit from year-round protection as well. Pests in any business can be bad news. One unwanted pest spotted in a shop or restaurant and that business could suffer huge losses. Big Blue Bug Solutions works with businesses all over the South Portland area to make sure that their premises get a clean bill of health every time. From hotels to healthcare, warehouses to restaurants, Big Blue Bug Solutions can work with any business to keep them pest free with our monthly maintenance program. You can count on a visit from a technician each month that will inspect the building for pest activity and use eco-friendly preventive measures to keep them away.

Big Blue Bug Solutions has partnered with thousands of residents and businesses all over New England to keep their homes and businesses in tip-top shape all year long - both inside and out. Our year-round customers tell us all the time that it is so nice to have the peace of mind that pests are one thing that they don’t need to worry about. Leave the worrying to us, call Big Bug Solutions today.