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Ant Season Approaching Fast


According to the calendar, spring is well on its way. Of course, here in South Portland, it might not be quite as soon as in other parts of the country. Still, we Mainers know that sooner or later spring will show up and the world around us will be dryer, greener, and most importantly, warmer. There is a lot to do in our neck of the woods when the weather cooperates. Hiking, boating, backyard cookouts, and cheering on the Sea Dogs are all huge parts of life in Maine. We soak up the sun as much as possible here because we know that winter will once again send us all back inside to wait out the cold.

As much as we love to get out as soon as the weather lets us, it is easy to forget that people are not the only ones looking to get out and about in the spring. It is also the time of the year when ants have begun to come out of hiding and are doing what ants do. These creatures are some of the busiest you will ever see, constantly on the hunt for food, new nesting material, and even a new nesting site. It is not uncommon this time of the year to see ants scurrying across the kitchen looking for crumbs, hovering around the trash can, or even climbing the walls in your home. Even though the smaller black ants are harmless to people no one likes to see these little crawling creatures in their home.

Not all ants that are found in your home are harmless. The larger black species, the carpenter ant, looks for places like homes to build their nests. Inside the walls of any soft, damaged wood the carpenter ants quietly hollow out enough space to house their queen and a couple of thousand of their closest friends. Over time, they will expand their territory within the woodwork of the home making the structure weak. Not good news for the homeowner. The repairs from ant activity could be in the thousands of dollars.

There is good news, though. Big Blue Bug Solutions offers year-round protection to the residents of South Portland. Our professional technicians can help you keep ants and other common pests out of your home each year. Big Blue Bug Solutions has several ways to exclude these pests from your home, and we can help you know just how to make sure that your home isn’t attracting unwanted bugs and vermin. Give us a call today and ask us about one of our year round pest exclusion programs and get started on a safe and peaceful spring for you and your family.
