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Tips To Avoid Mosquitoes in Maine

pest control technician performing mosquito treatment

They are here! The mosquitoes in South Portland have arrived in full force. The annoying buzzing in your ear and all the swatting to keep them away is enough to drive anyone mad. You may think they are just an annoyance and that they are harmless, but they are much more. A bite from a mosquito can be very dangerous. The saliva that the female mosquito injects into your skin as she feeds on your blood in order to breed can transmit disease, and you may even get a reaction to the bite. But it’s not just the swelling or the itching or the secondary infection that could occur from scratching that is the most dangerous part of a bite.

The serious danger comes from the diseases that mosquitoes can carry and transmit to humans and pets. Humans are at risk of the West Nile virus, Zika virus, yellow fever, malaria, dengue fever, and much more. Mosquitoes can also transmit EEE (Eastern Equine Encephalitis) and canine heartworm. The cycle of transmission of disease can easily occur as the mosquito goes from host to host for her blood meal. Once a host contracts a disease, the next mosquito to bite will contract the illness and transmit it from that person to the next.

There are some things that you can do to help reduce mosquito populations in your yard. Keep drains and culverts free of debris, keep your lawn mowed as short as possible, relocate plants and bushes that are too close to your home, and eliminate standing water in items like wheelbarrows, kids toys, and buckets.

If mosquitoes are a problem on your property, you won’t be able to get rid of them all. But a pest control service can help you to reduce your mosquito population by reducing their breeding sites and killing off any adult mosquitoes and larvae that are currently living on your property. Big Blue Bug Solutions can provide you with the help you need to reduce mosquitoes on your South Portland property.

If you truly wish to reduce the number of mosquitoes on your property, call on Big Blue Bug Solutions. We can help you to reduce the threat of mosquito-borne illnesses in your area. We offer a highly effective mosquito and tick control program that includes identification of mosquito problem areas, reducing breeding sites, and controlling adults and larvae. This can reduce a mosquito population by 90% throughout the mosquito season. We also offer one-time treatments to control mosquito activity for special outdoor events. No matter what your mosquito needs are, Big Blue Bug Solutions will give you successful solutions that are right for you.
