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Tick-Borne Dangers

engorged tick

If you live in Connecticut, Massachusetts, or Maine, you know what Lyme disease is. This is a tick-borne disease that has earned its reputation. But Lyme is not the only disease spread by ticks. While we are focused on Lyme, we forget that these tiny bloodsuckers are also linked to Powassan disease, rickettsia parkeri, babesiosis, tularemia, ehrlichiosis, Southern tick-associated rash illness, 364D rickettsiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tick-borne relapsing fever, anaplasmosis, and many more. If this sounds bad, it is only because it is. The medical implications of tick-related diseases go far beyond what is directly observable and what has been recorded by health care providers. These illnesses are misdiagnosed across the board. But, we are not without recourse. The threat of tick bites can be reduced, especially in our own backyards, and inside our homes.

You are probably aware that ticks get onto dogs and cats. So, it goes without saying that pet owners have a higher risk of getting these diseases. But, what many don't know is that pets are not the only furry animals that can bring ticks into your home. A single field mouse can have as many as 100 deer ticks on its body. If you have an infestation of mice, you could have a secondary infestation of ticks.

Furry mammals are also not the only host ticks will utilize. They can be on birds as well. If you have bird feeders in your yard, you may be attracting more than you realize. When birds come to feed, they can shed tick eggs in your yard.

Reducing tick-borne dangers begins with a comprehensive tick control plan. Pest control addresses ticks in many ways.

  • It reduces wildlife in your yard.
  • It reduces the number of rodents and other wildlife that will enter your home.
  • It reduces ticks directly, outside and inside your home.
  • It reduces the chances of dogs and cats bringing ticks in with them.
  • It informs a homeowner of modifications that can be done to reduce a wide range of pests that are linked to ticks.
  • It offers year-round solutions that provide appropriate protection during each season.

Pest illnesses are on the rise, and tick-borne diseases are no exception. No home should be without a pest control plan. If you live in New England, there is a good chance you're in our service area. Reach out to Big Blue Bug Solutions and let one of our experts help you work out a pest control solution for your home. We can all live without pest-related illnesses. Get your essential layer of protection in place starting today.
