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Limit Your Exposure To Ticks


Before 1975, there was no such thing as Lyme disease. But, while Lyme disease is somewhat new, tick-borne diseases are not. They have been with us since the dawn of time. Well, at least as long as there have been ticks. The CDC lists 14 significant diseases associated with these bugs in the United States. They come with symptoms as simple as a fever and body aches to lifelong chronic pain and health complications. So, it is probably an understatement to say, "It is a good idea to limit your exposure to ticks." Here are some suggestions that will help.

How To Limit Tick Exposure

  • Understanding where ticks prefer to be and how they get on us is helpful in limiting exposure. Despite what you may have heard, ticks don't drop down from trees to get in your hair. They have to climb all the way up your body. They do this by latching onto your leg as you walk through the grass. The taller the grass, the more likely you are to pick up a tick.
  • If you have to be outside in tall grass, consider wearing tall boots with your pants tucked inside, or tuck your pants into your socks. This will keep ticks from crawling up under your pant legs.
  • For added protection, consider applying insect repellent to your legs, ankles, and feet. There are many repellents that drive ticks away.
  • If you have a pet, we're sure you're aware that veterinary prescribed flea and tick products are a must for reducing exposure. But, what you may not know is that pets aren't the only furry animals that can bring ticks into your home. Rodents and other furry wildlife can have dozens of ticks on them. A single mouse can carry as many as 100 deer ticks.
  • Since wildlife can have ticks, keeping wildlife out of your yard will reduce ticks in your yard.
  • Trimmed grass and zero weeds will go a long way toward making your yard less attractive to wildlife.
  • Keeping all exterior trash in sealed, secured containers will reduce wildlife and the ticks they carry.
  • Furry animals are not the only creatures that can deposit ticks in your yard. Birds can have ticks as well.

Before ticks get into your home, they are usually hiding in your yard. If you live in our South Portland or our Southern Maine service area, let Big Blue Bug Solutions help you control the pests on your property and give you the protection you need against tick-borne diseases, and all of the many other diseases spread by bugs and wildlife. Reach out to us today for immediate assistance.
