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How Much Damage Would a Woodchuck Do, If a Woodchuck Was Allowed To Do Damage

woodchuck on rock

Ah, the woodchuck AKA the groundhog or even the whistle pig, depending on where in the country you live. From a distance, these creatures are cute and furry and even kind of funny as they dart from here to there or scramble into their dens at the first hint of danger. If you are like most people, you like to watch them right up until you realize that the woodchuck is a terrible tenant if it lives on your property.

The woodchuck is a rodent cousin of the squirrel. Because they are larger and heavier with much shorter tails, the woodchuck makes its way by burrowing in the ground instead of dashing through the treetops like the squirrel. Their dens are usually just a few feet underground and can go 20 feet or so from the head of the tunnel to the burrow. These are generally found along the road, river embankments or in fields. If the population of these rodents comes too close to a residential neighborhood, they will build their burrow under houses and sheds or even under patios and rock walls. The woodchuck generally spends a good portion of their day hanging out at home avoiding the heat, and they typically only come out in the evening to feed.

As a burrowing animal, a growing population of woodchucks can weaken roadways, retaining walls, patios, and slabs under homes creating expensive repair work that will need to be taken care of. It isn’t unusual for these pests to quickly decimate a vegetable garden when hungry. Farmers often have trouble with woodchucks building their dens in the midst of their crops and helping themselves to over a pound of vegetation each day.

There are several different ways that people have tried to prevent or remove woodchucks from their property. People try to fill up the hole that the woodchuck has dug, throw moth balls under the porch, or use home fumigation systems. There are a number of problems with these methods. First, it isn’t likely any of these methods will provide a long-term solution. Second, some of these methods might not be legal in your area. Finally, it is never a good idea to try to handle a wild animal - it could be dangerous. Like all wild animals, the woodchuck will bite and scratch to defend itself if necessary.

If you suspect that a woodchuck has made your property their new home, give Big Blue Bug Solutions a call. We are always ready to help you deal with the threat of problem wildlife that have become less of an attraction and more of a nuisance or danger to have around. Our methods of removal include live trapping and exclusion so that we can discourage woodchucks and other pests from claiming your home as their own. Our wildlife control program was designed to quickly eradicate the problem so you can get back to enjoying your backyard again.
