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What Happens To Fleas In Winter?

flea on dog

Brrr! It’s getting cold outside. Winter time is fast approaching which means the pesky parasites that live on our pets are going to die off, right? Well… not necessarily. As it turns out, the flea population inside our homes can grow exponentially as winter goes on! Fleas do not hibernate, and they do not become inactive in the winter. In fact, it’s just the opposite.

We all know that fleas typically come into our homes on the bodies of our household pets; cats and dogs being the most inclined to bring in a group of these predatory parasites. Once the fleas get into our homes, it’s a free-for-all. They will continue to breed and infest our pets, hide in our carpets and cushions, and even try to feed on us as we sleep in our warm and cozy beds. The excessive cold of winter ensures that fleas will not be heading outdoors, as they love warm temperatures and don’t venture far away from a known food source. Since fleas are opportunistic, they’re going to ride pets into the home and hunker down for the cold season, since their sole purpose is to feed and repopulate. (Fleas cannot survive in freezing temperatures so they’re not about to try to leave).

Obviously, the best way to prevent a flea infestation is by putting up some sort of protection all-year around. We offer a few different insect, pest, and rodent prevention packages that will guarantee a flea free home for you and your animals. Additionally, there are some things that you are able to do to limit or remove the flea population that already exists in your home. Here is a list of the top 3 things to do:

  1. Treat your pets. Fleas have a harder time living off of humans due to our relative lack of body hair, which means our pets are their favorite hosts. Make sure you treat each cat and dog with medications that will kill off the flea population hiding out on your furry friend.
  2. Vacuum the areas your pet frequents. There is a good chance that you have a community of fleas living in the dog bed or your cat’s favorite cushion. Thoroughly vacuum these areas to remove the eggs before they hatch. In fact regular vacuuming throughout the house can severely limit the reproduction of fleas.
  3. Wash the laundry! Throw in every blanket or towel your pet might touch. Make sure you clean the bed sheets. Any eggs can lead to re-infestation when they hatch.

This list is helpful but the only way to be certain you’re going to have a flea free home this winter is to call Big Blue Bug Solutions today. We can inform and address whatever pest problems you're dealing with inside and out, and we use proven methods for eradicating flea populations and taking care of other household pests. Stop itching this winter and start fighting back, utilizing residential pest control programs from Big Blue Bug Solutions!
