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Tips To Avoid Pests In 2018

happy new year from big blue bug solutions

Another year has come and gone, and what a good one it was. 2017 was busy for many of us, and 2018 is sure to have plenty in store, but can you imagine having to become an pest control technician in your free time? Summer should be a season to look forward to, but the excitement lessens some with the thought of all the mosquitoes swarming your family barbecue or the mice chewing up wires and insulation inside your house!

There is no question that pests are a year-round problem and as soon as you get rid of all the spider webs, mouse droppings and ants, you turn around to find that we picked up bed bugs in the local taxi, there is a wasp nest in the shed and the bats have made a home out of your attic. Pest prevention can be stressful, but considering a year-round pest control program isn’t. Sure you have some choices to make, but you'll be putting down the burden of pest defense and letting someone else take it on, and in the end, your problem will be gone and you'll be free to live out your summer fun without any worries.

A year-round pest prevention and eradication plan is a program that covers a range of common pests, providing defense against and removal of pest infestations through exclusion techniques and pest elimination technology. A pest professional will visit your home to assess any pest infestations, and to follow through with a plan to get rid of them and reassure they stay that way. Year-round plans include many of the most common household pests and will consist of periodic visits to reassure that pests are not continuing to be an issue. Big Blue Bug Solutions' Home Owner’s Policy also gives you the benefit of having a pest professional return in between scheduled visits should any pests pop up and they do it at no extra cost.

Having a year-round plan first and foremost takes the weight off of your shoulders. Our pest professionals know where to look, have the appropriate tools, and know exactly what to look for! With pests outnumbering humans more than a billion to one, it can be really hard for property owners to keep up. With follow up visits in place, you don’t have to worry if you’ve missed anything, and you can have confidence that your house is a cleaner, safer place all of the time.

Big Blue Bug Solutions understands that every pest infestation is different. Pest eradication and how those pests are eradicated is unique to every home. That’s why Big Blue Bug Solutions offers a free inspection. Having the advice of a professional when considering a year-round plan is always beneficial as many of us would be amazed to find out exactly how many pests are living within the walls, floors, and ceilings of our homes.

Worrying about pests this year doesn’t need to be on your list of to do’s. Big Blue Bug Solutions can happily handle the problem for you so you are free to head into 2018 focused on moving forward rather than keeping up. Call anytime to schedule a free inspection, and if you have any questions, give us a call today. Happy New Year!
