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Damage Bats Can Cause


In the evening hours, just around dusk, it is quite common to see bats swooping over pools, ponds, and backyards as they hunt for their evening meal. If you are sitting in your Rhode Island, Massachusetts, or Connecticut backyard the species of bat you are most likely seeing swoop around your backyard is the little brown bat. The little brown bat’s name is very descriptive; they are a small species with their body growing only to about 3 inches in length, their fur can be dark-brown, golden-brown, reddish, copper-colored or olive-brown in color, and their black, furless wings have a wingspan of about 8-11 inches. While these bats may be small in size, the damage and problems that they can cause can be quite significant. Learn more today about little brown bats and how to protect your home and property from these pests with the help of the bat control experts here at Big Blue Bug Solutions!

Many people are torn about their feeling for bats; when living outside, usually people love them because of they are beneficial to the environment. Their droppings or guano is a super fertilizer, some species help to pollinate crops and flowers, and bats hunt and feed on nuisance insects including mosquitoes, helping to keep their populations down. However, when bats are found living in homes, people tend not to love them so much because they become less beneficial to you and your family, and become much more damaging and dangerous.

Damages and dangers that bats can inflict include:

  • Bats have the ability to spread a wide variety of bacteria, fungus, and viruses that can cause sickness and disease including a very serious lung disease called histoplasmosis as well as rabies.
  • When living inside your home they are going to contaminate it with their urine and feces which can cause serious health consequences for you and your family.
  • When bats enter your home they bring with them other guests - parasitic pests. If bats are living in your home so may be bat bugs, fleas, mites, and ticks.
  • If bats are living in your roof’s eaves or inside an attic space they can cause structural damage to your home as they travel in and out of it.
  • Bats can bite. While they are generally not overly aggressive and probably won’t outright attack you, they will bite to defend themselves. People are often bitten by bats when trying to remove them from their home on their own, after accidentally cornering them, or while leaving their home and startling bats that are living on or near the exit.
  • Having bats in your home can also lead to unneeded stress and sleepless nights, as you worry about these pests swooping down over you and your family as everyone sleeps.

If you are having problems with bats thinking that your Rhode Island, Massachusetts, or Connecticut home’s roofline or attic space is a good place for them to reside, contact the New England wildlife specialists at Big Blue Bug Solutions. Don’t put yourself or family member in danger by trying to remove these wild animals on your own. Our wildlife experts will create a unique plan based on your specific needs to humanely remove all bats from your home, manage any damages, preserve natural resources, and to prevent them from coming back.

Contact Big Blue Bug Solutions today to schedule a free wildlife inspection for your home!
