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Are Fleas Dangerous?

grooming comb with fleas

Fleas are the worst kind of pest. They cause you so much grief, they pester your pets, and they cannot be seen. As the weather warms and the fleas are out in full force, they are going to want to catch a ride into your home. Are fleas dangerous when they arrive? Big Blue Bug Solutions in South Portland offers a guide to fleas to help you decide.

3 Fast Facts about Fleas

Here are three of the most important things you should know about fleas in your home.

  • Fleas feast on the blood of their host, but they can go more than 100 days without feeding on blood. A female can consume up to 15 times her own weight when she feeds.
  • Fleas don’t only feed on dogs and cats. Hosts for feeding can be birds, other mammals, reptiles, and humans.
  • Fleas can jump up to 150 times their own height – that is about 8 inches.

When Fleas Feed, Are You at Risk?

Fleas do not pose a health risk to humans, but they can cause prolonged itching that leads to an infection. Fleas can also exacerbate respiratory illnesses and complications. If your pet has fleas, your pet may suffer from an allergic reaction to the flea’s saliva, or your pet can develop anemia from the loss of blood.

Ways to Prevent Fleas

You don’t want fleas to come inside on your pets; so the number one recommendation is to make sure your pets are up to date on their flea and tick medicine. Other ways to prevent fleas in your home include:

  • Treat the outside of your home by trimming grass and weeds, cutting back bushes, and keeping hiding places and food sources for wildlife at a minimum.
  • Keep yard debris away from the perimeter of your home.
  • Don’t leave pet food outside.
  • Comb your pet with a flea comb before they come inside.
  • Vacuum carpets and rugs often.
  • Call the flea fighting professionals.

Getting rid of fleas with professional services is the best solution. Sure, you can take steps to minimize your risk for infestation, but complete control comes with professional attention. When you call Big Blue Bug Solutions for the fleas in your home, we do a thorough inspection and offer a plan that includes flea control. Give us a call today to learn about our year-round pest control plans and how they can help keep you safe from fleas and many other pests in South Portland.
