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Termites In New England: A Year-Round Problem

termite in a rhode island home

Part of the great American dream for most is that day when all of the hard work finally pays off and you sign that dotted line for your first home. Becoming a homeowner brings with it a huge sense of accomplishment, and rightfully so. Once you have made it to that place where you truly have somewhere to call home, you want to do everything that you can to protect it. You rake leaves, paint trim, have the furnace cleaned, and cut the grass. Hours are spent vacuuming and scrubbing to make sure that your home is as beautiful as the day you bought it. There is one maintenance chore that many completely overlook. Termite protection.

 Often, we think that once the weather turns cold, pests are not a problem. We don't see them, so we think that they are gone. Unfortunately, termites are hard at work if they are inside your warm home that stays at a moderate temperature all year round. These insects have earned a name over the years as the ‘silent destroyer’ for a very good reason. 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, these pests are literally eating you out of your house and home.

 Termite protection should never wait for an infestation. Most often, without proper inspections from a trained professional, homeowners have no idea that they have an infestation until they see evidence of damage in their living space such as unexplained water staining on the walls or ceiling or sagging and dark tunnels in the woodwork. By that time, the termites may have done thousands of dollars worth of damage to the integrity of the structure itself.

 You do not have to let this happen to you. Call Big Blue Bug Solutions today and set up an appointment to have our professional termite team come inspect your home. If you have any hidden pests in your home, our experts will find them for you and work with you to eliminate the threat to your home while being kind to your wallet. Our termite specialists will then work with you to set up a plan that will give you year-round protection from termites and other pests, giving you peace of mind that your home, which is your pride and joy, will not become a pest control nightmare. If you live in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, or Connecticut, give us a call today to set up your termite inspection.
