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Do You Know That Late Fall Is Tick Season In Maine?

tick on a person stomach in RI

If you own a dog, or like to go out hunting here in Maine, you are no doubt aware that Lyme disease is a growing problem. This is because Lyme disease is spread by contact with ticks. And, the two common ways people get exposed to ticks is by going out into the woods or having a pet bring them into the house. While fall is not technically considered "Lyme disease season," because the most common transmitters of Lyme disease are young (nymphs), it is the time of year when adult ticks are most active, and this is something to definitely watch out for. Lyme disease can be transmitted by adult ticks, and Lyme isn't the only disease ticks can transmit.

At Big Blue Bug Solutions, we take an Integrated Pest Management approach to dealing with ticks and other disease-spreading bugs. IPM focuses on understanding these creatures and their habits to better establish protective protocols.

It also focuses on education and prevention. While we provide area treatments to reduce ticks, we don't want to wait until people have a devastating illness and are driven to request our services. We are actively educating people in Southern Maine about the increasing threat these blood-eating pests pose. And, we encourage other pest control companies to do the same.

Protecting people from the harmful effects of tick-borne diseases requires a partnership between a pest control company and their customer. It is vital that pest control companies use their extensive knowledge of tick biology, species distribution, habitat, and vector analysis to help people guard against tick bites. Ticks don't just get people and their pet when they are at home.

The most important thing we teach is proper surveillance techniques. If you, your kids, or your pets have been outside in areas where there is tall grass, it is important to know how to look for and remove ticks. Use a magnifying glass because ticks can be quite small, especially deer ticks, which are the ticks that most commonly spread Lyme disease. Use tweezers or a specialized tick removing tool to pull the tick out near the head, and get as much of the tick as you can. Diseases like Lyme take 24 to 48 hours to fully transmit from tick to human. If you catch ticks early, you can prevent infection.

It is also important to understand that deer ticks have a 2-year life cycle, and this has a direct effect on how many ticks we have in fall. If you plan to be out in the woods this fall, make sure you do regular inspections when you return home.

Fall is tick season. Take proactive measures to protect yourself, your children, and your pets from tick-borne diseases. And, if you need extra help controlling ticks in your yard, give Big Blue Bug Solutions a call. We'd be glad to help.
