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Are You Finding Lots Of Fleas In Your Home?


Have you ever heard the song, "FLEAS! GLORIOUS FLEAS!"? No? Why not? Could it be that no one in the history of the world has ever liked fleas? Not dogs, not cats, not hamsters, and certainly not humans. There's a reason that the worst kind of hotels is called "flea-infested" hotels. In fact, fleas are one of the most maddening pests to try to get rid of. Often when people find fleas on their pets, or in their home, or both, they go to great lengths to get rid of them. But they just keep coming back. Yes, no one in history has ever enjoyed having fleas around. Period.

Here are two news reports that give some insight into why we're seeing more fleas this year.

WTHITV10 recently reported that staff at a pet hospital, "noticed a major increase in the local flea activity." A receptionist for the animal hospital was quoted as saying, "I was shopping the other day and I actually had a giant flea jump on me…" The receptionist pointed out that, if fleas are in this large and well known retail chain store, they have to be everywhere. The article also made the case that it isn't so much that the flea populations have increased, but that they just never died off. Because the weather was so mild this past winter, fleas from last season survived.

A veterinarian from the pet hospital was quoted as saying, "... Fleas have been a problem throughout the winter and they're only going to get worse." She went on to talk about getting professional advice when dealing with fleas, saying, "Before using any treatment in your home, or flea preventative on your pets, you'll need to consult with an expert first." She added, "If you find you still have fleas around the home after following the advice of your veterinarian, you may need to contact a pest control company."

Another article we read recently had a similar message. A veterinarian from another animal clinic was quoted in this article as saying, "It's not so much that the milder weather has caused an uptick in fleas per say, but it has increased how active the fleas are."

How To Prevent Fleas From Taking Over Your Home

Here at Big Blue Bug Solutions, we get calls all the time about these horrid pests; questions like, "How can we get rid of fleas?" "What do fleas look like?" and "How soon can you get here?!" Why? Because no one in the history of the world has ever liked having fleas around. Dealing with a flea infestation can be a maddening experience. But, don't worry. With help from Big Blue Bug Solutions, taking care of fleas is simple. Don't risk going mad over these awful pests, call Big Blue today and live a peace-filled life without fleas!
