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Wasps In Winter

wasp building nest

Are you planning to do any renovations inside your attic spaces this winter? If so, you may want to take a moment and read down through this quick article. It could save you from a less than desirable encounter with wasps.

Wasps are an overwintering insect. When temperatures drop, these creatures look for a place to hide. In nature, that is usually underneath the bark of trees or in a hole. But they don't know the difference between your home and a hole in the ground--quite literally. If they find an opening in your eaves or under your siding, they will squeeze in and develop a nest. This overwintering instinct will make the likelihood of wasps being in your attic during winter months much higher. If you tear apart a wall or get into a crawl space where these creatures are hiding, you could be in trouble.

Overwintering wasps enter into a state of arrested development called diapause when they take up winter residence in a home. This has a positive side and negative side. On the positive side, wasps that enter your home at the end of fall won't have time to develop a nest, and whatever nest they do create will stay the same size all winter long. Sometimes, it is only the wasp queen who enters a structure and there is no nest at all. On the negative side, diapause is not a catatonic state. If disturbed, wasps can mobilize quite quickly. So, the danger wasps can present is dependent on how early they entered your home and how large they were able to make their nest before going into dormancy.

If you're looking to do some work in your attic and you'd like to make sure wasps and other invasive pests aren't going to surprise you while you're at it, a pest inspection can help. A winter pest inspection is also a great idea for anyone who wants to reduce spring pest threats in and around their home. The best time to deal with spring pests is before they start to become active.

If you need help in your attic spaces this winter, Big Blue Bug Solutions can assist you with that. Our staff of experienced and educated pest professionals knows what pests to look for in winter and what treatment options are safe and effective for getting rid of them. Proactive pest prevention is the best pest prevention. Don't take chances in your attic. Root out those stinging and biting pests before they have a chance to make your life miserable. Giving Big Blue Bug a call really is the best way to go.
