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Are Chipmunks Dangerously Cute?

chipmunk found trying to enter a home

Who doesn't like cute? Fluffy kittens kneading and purring. Downy pups snoozing in a pile. If you love to oooh and ahhh over cuteness, do a search on the internet for "chipmunks." You'll see a whole host of absolutely adorable pictures. There are pictures full of furry little striped guys with their tiny little paws clasped to their tiny little chests, giant cheeks bulging with nuts, tiny black or pink noses and shiny black eyes. If you're not totally overcome by cuteness, try searching for "BABY chipmunks." Go on. We dare ya!

We can probably all agree that chipmunks are adorable, but are they safe to have inside our homes? This article will focus on facts about these cute little creatures, how they can be a danger to you and your family, and what you can do to get rid of them if one or more have found a haven inside your walls.

Facts about chipmunks:

These wild animals are part of the rodent family and are identified by their dark brown and light brown stripes that run down the length of their backs. The rest of their body is reddish brown in color. An adult chipmunk is around 5-6 inches long, not including the tail, and they weigh only 2 ½ to 3 ½ ounces.

Cute facts:

  • Chipmunks are quite talkative, often making noises that sound like birds.
  • A chipmunk's cheeks can expand to three times the size of its head! They use these cheeks to carry nuts, seeds, and other food back to their burrows
  • Chipmunks are amazing escape artists.
  • A chipmunk's burrow always has a hidden entrance, and a chipmunk keeps his burrow nice and neat.
  • Male chipmunks are called Bucks and female chipmunks are called Does.
  • The most famous chipmunks are Disney's Chip and Dale.
  • The smallest species of chipmunk is called a Least chipmunk, and they weigh a mere 1-2 ounces full grown.

Cute but dangerous:

Chipmunks, although they look harmless, are anything but. Like other rodents, they carry a variety of diseases that can be spread to you and your family. If they get into your attic or wall voids, there is the danger of their chewing. Their front teeth never stop growing so they are constantly chewing to keep those teeth from overgrowing. This means there is a chance they will chew on wires inside your walls, which is a fire hazard. They also chew on items such as pipes, insulation, and personal items such as clothing, pictures, boxes, and furniture.

Although chipmunks are not aggressive creatures, they will bite or scratch if they are cornered or feel threatened. Since they are known to carry diseases such as plague and rabies, among other things, it is never a good idea to try to remove a chipmunk, or any other wild animal, on your own.

So how do I get rid of a chipmunk in my home?

If you are hearing scratching and scurrying noises in your walls and have seen other signs of rodents such as chew marks and droppings, the best course of action is to call a wildlife control expert. If you live in Rhode Island or Massachusetts, the experts here at Big Blue Bug Solutions can help. Chipmunks may be cute, but they are also dangerous, and they don't belong in your home.
