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What Mice Are Looking For This Winter

mouse rolling a holiday decoration

It's that time of year again, when we start to think about wants, what you children want for Christmas, what you want to get for family and friends, and let's face it, we often think about the things that we want as well. It's Christmas time and we all want to see the look on our children's faces as they open that special gift they have been waiting patiently to receive. Yes, it's the most wonderful time of the year.

But did you know that people are not the only ones focused on wants and needs this time of year? It’s true. Although mice do not celebrate Christmas and do not shop for presents, they do spend a lot of time during the early winter months focused on what they want and what they need; and you will want to make sure that you do not help them with their shopping lists!

So, what exactly are mice shopping for here in South Portland in December? The simple answer is food, water, and shelter – perhaps not in that order. These simple commodities are in short supply for mice during the winter if they remain out in the cold, harsh, white outdoors which is why mice are shopping for a new home. Mice are actually quite smart. They understand that living outside during the winter will not only expose them to frigid temperatures, snow, and ice; but it will also mean that they will have to contend with other animals for what little food there is that is not buried under a blanket of snow. They also understand that they themselves are on the menu for certain nemeses that are lurking in the shadows waiting for a meal to fill their starving little bellies.

When you stop and think about it, it is not all that surprising that mice are shopping for a nice, warm place to snuggle down and raise a family in; and if that place can offer them a bit of water and a few crumbs, well, it’s all the better. Make sure that your home is not listed on the South Portland RLS for rodents this winter with help from Big Blue Bug Solutions.

Big Blue Bug Solutions has been protecting homes and businesses all across New England for more than 80 years, and we now offer our industry leading services to the residents of South Portland. We have the knowledge, technology, and materials to ensure that mice will not be spending the winter in your home; and our certified pest control experts know how to implement exclusion techniques to ensure that mice don’t return.

Go ahead; enjoy that special morning with all the glitz, glamor and wonder that is contained in it without the threat of damage and disease from unwanted mice because you have the protection of Big Blue Bug Solutions.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from your friends here at Big Blue Bug Solutions.
