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Is That A Flea Bite?

arm covered in flea bites

There are several pests that will bite you if you live in Connecticut; fleas, ticks, spiders, mosquitoes, bed bugs…how are you supposed to know exactly what bit you if you didn’t see the actual bug? After all, most bug bites wind up looking very similar; and knowing what caused your bite is important. Depending on the species, some of these creatures can transmit some pretty harmful pathogens that can make you very sick. You will want to know if that welt could be cause for concern or not. So, how exactly are you to know?

There is no confusing the sting of a ‘bee’; but many people will lump all stinging insects into the group ‘bee’ when, in fact, the creature may actually be a wasp. There are so many different species of bees and wasps that can present a problem if you are bitten, especially if you are allergic to their venom. So, recognizing that unmistakable sting and the large, swollen, red welt that follows could be important.

Most other bites tend to fall into one category and present in similar ways, but there are subtle differences to note. For example, mosquito and bed bug bites are very similar in size and appearance. They both are itchy and can even welt up a bit and turn red. The difference between these bites is really quite simple, once you know it. Mosquitoes will bite with a single bite here and a single bite there. Whereas bed bugs bite in tiny clusters in a linear, zigzag, or cluster pattern.

Spider bites can be similar to those of other pests, but they typically will present as a small welt that feels hard when you touch it; and if you look very closely you will notice two tiny puncture wounds in the center. Tick bites are the most difficult to distinguish since they typically will not leave much of a sign. They are even more confusing because the rash often will not appear for 3-30 days after the actual bite. In some cases, you may develop that ‘bull’s eye’ rash; but that is not always the case. Sometimes the bite of a tick will leave a uniformly red mark, a blistery looking mark, a disseminated lesion, or a red/blue mark similar to a bruise. Tick bites are often confused with spider bites or with the common skin disease, ringworm.

So, now that we know a bit about these other types of bites, let’s get back to the flea. These creatures can leave a bite with no sign at all, but commonly they leave tiny red spots with tiny red halos around them that are extremely itchy. It may be that you confuse these itchy bumps with poison ivy, dry skin, or a bad case of eczema. But fleas are famous for attacking feet, ankles, and lower legs first; and you are likely to notice their tiny, flat, reddish-brown bodies eventually.

All bites from insects come with a risk of infection from scratching, and many insects can transmit disease with their bites making it very important for you to identify exactly what bit you. But, no matter what pest caused those bites on you and your family, Big Blue Bug Solutions has the answer to ensure that the biting stops. We have over 80 years of experience in Connecticut pest pressures and can quickly identify and eradicate the pests that are bothering you. Our pest control experts not only rely on our extensive hands-on knowledge, but they also have access to new technologies and innovative protocols to ensure that pests are safely and effectively dealt with.

Keep fleas and other pests from biting in your Connecticut home with help from the trusted experts here at Big Blue Bug Solutions.
