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Northern States Don't Have To Worry About Termites, Right?

termite crawling on wooden surface

Ahh, Providence. What beauty there is to be found in this northern city! - From brilliant sunsets reflecting in waterways in summer, to sparkling white snow in winter, and color-filled groves in autumn, but not only is the city beautiful, there are many gorgeous homes here as well. And in order for these homes to maintain their beauty, they need protection. What sort of protection? Well, protection from the harsh winters, for sure, and protection from possible vandals or burglars…but what about termites? Before you are tempted to think termites are only a southern problem, think again. While it may be true that termites are more abundant in the south, it is also true that they are very much a problem here in the north too.

What kind of damages do termites cause?

Subterranean termites live underground in damp, loose soil. However, they also invade homes; and, when they do, they can cause substantial damage. Often, if a home is infested, termites can eat away at walls and support beams, sometimes for years, before being detected. Sometimes the damage can look like water damage, such as buckling wood, swollen floors, and swollen ceilings. Also, a termite infestation can have a smell that is very similar to the odor of mold or mildew.

Other signs of an infestation:

  • Wood damage. If termites are eating away at the wood of your home and you begin a construction project, you may notice wood damage with a distinctive pattern. These insects can eat away at wood so that there is nothing left behind but the wood grain.
  • Discarded wings. These can be found inside or outside a home. If they are found inside, there is a good chance they came from termite swarmers that came from a mature colony already established within your walls.
  • Swarmers. Termite swarmers, or reproductives, appear only briefly before mating, shedding their wings, and disappearing back inside your walls. Sometimes mistaken for flying ants, these swarmers typically only appear two times a year, during spring and fall.
  • Mud tubes. These pencil-width tubes can generally be found on basement or foundation walls, and are used by the termites as a sort of highway to get from the ground to your wall voids without being exposed to the weather or predators. If you see these tubes, simply break off a piece and then check it in a couple of days to see if it has been repaired. If it has been, then you have an active termite infestation.

What to do if termite signs are apparent, or if they aren't?

If you are seeing the signs of termites in your Providence home, it is time to contact a professional pest control company; and since these wood-destroying insects can go for years without being detected, it would be wise to get a termite inspection before you start seeing signs. Keep your Providence house beautiful, inside and out, with termite protection from Big Blue Bug Solutions.
