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It's Earwig Season, Are You Ready?

earwig crawling on the floor of a providence home

There are many things that trigger our thoughts toward spring. We know that spring has sprung when we smell that first cutting of grass. The birds let us know that spring is here as they begin showing up in great numbers at the bird feeders. We get excited about spotting our first humming bird. Flowers push out of the ground and begin blossoming out into the beautiful colors of spring. All these signs and many more are welcomed with joy as we celebrate the warm sunshine of spring.

However, not all signs of spring receive such a warm welcome. The emergence of earwigs, though a sign of spring, is nothing to be excited about. The name, though nothing more than an old myth, comes from the superstition that this strange looking insect burrows into people’s ears while they are sleeping. The reality of the behavior of earwigs is that they burrow into the ground prior to winter, lay their eggs, and when spring arrives, a multitude of freshly hatched earwigs come out of the ground.

Perhaps the common name of earwigs should be night-wigs. They are active at night and retreat into cracks and under rocks, logs, and the mulch of flowerbeds during daylight hours. You may even find them underneath the cushion of your deck chairs. A change of weather or the need to find food will drive earwigs inside the home. Once inside, you can expect to see earwigs in any room of the house. Most often, however, they will be in areas of the home where there is water.

Earwigs are easily identified. Their long, narrow body will grow to a little more than ½ inch in length. They are dark reddish brown and have a rather intimidating appearance with a pair of pincer-like appendages. The good news is that earwigs do not bite and may only attempt to pinch if they feel really threatened. They pose no threat or danger other than being a total nuisance.

Getting rid of earwigs is not a simple procedure, but one factor that can be used against them is their need for water. Reducing the water and moisture in the home can discourage them from taking up residence. Outside the home, you may have ideal habitation conditions for earwigs and not realize it. Get rid of the piles of leaves and other debris that provides damp, dark areas in which earwigs can hide. You may also want to examine your foundation for any cracks that would allow an earwig to hide, or worse yet, find access into the home. Seal these cracks as one more preventive measure.

The surest approach to eradication of these nuisance pests and all other household pests is to contact Big Blue Bug Solutions. For more than 75 years, Big Blue Bug Solutions has been providing effective measures for correcting pest problems. Here at Big Blue Bug Solutions we take pride in our environmentally responsible approach to pest control with a guarantee that your pest problems will be eliminated. Give us a call today to see how we can help you live pest free.
