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What Kind Of Cockroach Is This?

American cockroach eating on a plate

There are basically three main cockroaches in Rhode Island and Massachusetts that are major household pests: American cockroaches, German cockroaches, and Oriental cockroaches. We'll give you a quick rundown on how you can tell these three apart and what you can do to keep them out of your home.

Cockroach Identification In Rhode Island and Massachusetts

The first thing you have to do is determine if you have a cockroach at all. There are many species of beetle that get confused for cockroaches, like the black carpet beetle. Though beetles can do damage in your home, they are not going to spread the many diseases those cockroaches will. So, it is important to know which insect pests you have. The fastest and easiest way to determine if you have a cockroach or a beetle is to see if it moves quickly across surfaces, especially walls and ceilings. The speed a cockroach can travel across a wall is one of the things that make these bugs so creepy and disgusting.

Now that you've determined that you have cockroaches, let's figure out which ones you have. The easiest way to differentiate between cockroaches is to look at their coloring. Oriental cockroaches will be very dark in color and appear almost black. American cockroaches are a chestnut color. German cockroaches are mostly light tan.

Okay. Now that we've figured out what insects you're dealing with--and you've probably already found a picture of it on the internet--you're going to need some practical ways to protect your home. We'll break these down into two sections.

How to resist cockroaches:

Cockroaches are omnivores that can live on a diet of toothpaste and wallpaper glue. Hiding food isn't going to protect your home from having cockroaches, but it will help you resist them. If these insects find a way in, and there is a lack of food sources, they may move on to the next house. At the very least, they won't be able to easily grow their populations.

  • Keep paper or cardboard packaged foods in sealed containers.
  • Keep your home clean of food particles.
  • Store fruit in the fridge.
  • Put pet food away between meals.
  • Leave dishes in soapy water, instead of stacked next to the sink.
  • Make sure your trash cans have a lid that seal.
  • Deep clean around your stove and under your fridge on a regular basis.

How to keep cockroaches out:

When you don't want any cockroaches in your home, you need to take a different approach to the roach.

  • Do a close inspection of all exterior walls and seal any gaps or cracks you find. Be sure to look closely around pipes and electrical wiring that pass through your walls.
  • Make sure your screens, door sweeps, and weather stripping are all in perfect condition. It doesn't take much of a hole for a cockroach to get in, especially smaller cockroaches like the German cockroach.
  • If you continue to get roaches, even after you've sealed your walls and hidden all food sources, it is time to get a pest professional.

It is important to understand that hiding food sources, removing exterior attractants, and sealing your walls can help to protect your home from cockroaches, but these are resourceful creatures that are able to traverse ceilings and even fly. For 100% protection, you need the assistance of a professional like Big Blue Bug. With over 75 years of experience protecting New England homes from bugs, we can help you keep these pests out. Learn more about our Home Owner's Policy and start protecting your home today.
