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Keep Mice Out Of Your Providence Home

mouse found in the corner of a living room

Here in the Northeast we are used to battling mice, especially in the fall when these furry little creatures are house hunting to find their perfect winter get-a-way.  But, did you know that these smart little creatures are great weather predictors too?  They seem to know when a storm is coming and, like us, with the approach of a hurricane or tropical storm they rush their preparations to completion.  This should put us on guard as we enter into early October with a heavy rain event behind us and the possibility of a Northeast landfall of a hurricane.  Regardless of the landfall, however, there is little doubt that another huge rain event will occur.  We do not know exactly where the storm will strike, but our furry little friends have already begun to prepare and are seeking a home near them to hunker down and ride out the torrent.  If they find your home to be warm and cozy they may not just stay for the heavy rain event, they may just decide to spend the entire winter with you; after all, why move twice when once will do.  A heavy rain event (or two) in the early fall is an open invitation to mice and other rodents to find their winter shelters early, and should be a signal to us to speed up our defenses against this rodent invasion.  

Rodents (mice, rats, chipmunks, squirrels etc.) are not only dangerous to the structure of your home, but they also carry harmful diseases and bacteria that can make you and your family very sick.  Mice are built to constantly gnaw on things in order to keep their teeth from growing too large.  They particularly like to chew through wires and insulation inside your home.  This becomes a huge risk with an estimated 25-40% of fires of ‘undetermined’ origin, are actually found to be caused by rodents that have chewed through wires.  Rodent urine and feces are known to cause allergies in children, and they can carry ticks, lice, fleas, and mites that themselves carry a myriad of diseases and germs.  Rodents are also known to carry many dangerous diseases, not the least of which is the plague.  Yes, the plague is still in existence today; even in America.  

Obviously, spending the winter with mice and other rodents is simply not an option.  So, how do you avoid these little pests and the dangers they pose? Well, here a just a few tips to make your home less attractive to them.

  • Ventilate attics, crawlspaces, and basements
  • Seal cracks and holes – especially where utilities and pipes enter your home
  • Replace weather stripping around doors and windows
  • Repair screens on doors and windows
  • Store food in air tight containers
  • Remove trash and garbage regularly
  • Eliminate moisture from leaking pipes and HVAC units

These tips can help deter rodents from entering your home, but they are very tricky little creatures and can chew through most any material.  If they want to find a way in, they usually do!  Remember, too, that mice can collapse their rib cage in and squeeze through a hole as tiny as ¼’’ – that’s about the size of a dime!  It is a difficult task, at best, to find all of the dime sized holes in and around your foundation, roof line, doors, and windows.  That is where help from a professional pest control expert like Big Blue Bug Solutions comes in.  

Here at Big Blue Bug, we have trained our technicians in the latest and greatest pest control products, techniques, and procedures to ensure that your pest issues are eliminated safely and effectively.  We have over 80 years of experience and can put all that experience and knowledge to work for you by developing a safe, eco-friendly personalized pest control plan for your home or business.  Our wildlife division has the training and knowledge to locate and repair any entry points and to apply the proper products in the appropriate amount in order to get rid of rodents and eliminate the dangers they pose to you, your family, and your home.  

Be ready for the onslaught of rodents searching for shelter from the storms this fall and the cold blustery winter to come by calling us today!
