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Bat Proofing Your Home

bat flying

Bats bring out a certain creepy feeling in most people. There are around 40 species of bats in the United States and three of them commonly find themselves in buildings and homes. Finding a bat in your home can cause quite a panic. When I was younger I remember finding a bat in our living room. My mother and I spent hours trying to be brave and catch the darn thing to put it back outside. There was a lot of ducking, running and screaming as it flew around avoiding our every effort. When my father came home, he had it trapped and outside within 10 minutes. Needless to say it was a memorable night.

Bats come in different shades of colors, ranging from tan to black. They have four legs, two wings and are covered with hair. The three most common species of bats usually found in homes, are the brown bat, the big brown bat and the Mexican free-tailed bat. Bats are nocturnal. They fly around at night to eat insects. Most bats are only active during the warmer months and hibernate in the winter. Bats enjoy dark secluded areas where they can hide out and be left alone. This is why your attic might look like a great place for a bat to hang out.

The most common place for bats to enter the home is under the eaves in attic louvers and under fascia. The best defense against bats entering your home is to make sure that the exterior of your home is properly sealed. Check around vents, piping, wiring, doors and windows. Make sure that there are no gaps for bats to get into your home. It is also a good idea to add screening to your chimneys.

Bats are protected by laws in some states so it is important to contact wildlife control to help you with any bats you find in or around your property. Do it yourself bat control is exhausting, dangerous and not very efficient. I know. Bats can pose serious health risks for humans. If you fear that you may have a bat infestation contact the professionals here at Big Blue Bug Solutions. For over 75 years we have been proudly serving the people of New England in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut with all of their pest control and wildlife issues. Remember, wildlife is ALWAYS best viewed from a distance, and we can help you to keep it that way. Contact us today!
