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Tips On Firewood Pests

Image of Carpenter Ants

On a cold New England night, when the snow swirls around outside, there is nothing nicer than to relax by a glowing fireplace and sip on a cup of something warm. The sound of crackling. The soft amber light. There is something about a warm winter fire that soothes the bones. But storing and using cut wood can also add some complications to your life. Wood can harbor insects, and those insects can harm you and your home. Here are some tips that can protect you from firewood related pests.

  1. Beetles, spiders, ants, and even termites, can live inside firewood. If the wood you intend to burn comes in logs, chop them in quarters before storing them. The more wood surface that is exposed to the elements, the faster your wood will cure. This will keep bugs out.
  2. Find out if the firewood you purchase travels across state lines. The longer the trip, the more chance the wood will have pest eggs inside it.
  3. If you store firewood near your home, make sure it does not sit on the ground. This can make wood moist, which is attractive to bugs. It also allows bugs to come up through the soil and get into your wood.
  4. The further away from the Canadian border you get, the worse termites will be. If termites infest your area, never leave firewood stacked near your exterior walls. It is a lure for termites.
  5. An exterior shed is an ideal storage option, but be careful when bringing wood in from exterior storage. Some pests will lay their eggs in cold wood , and those eggs will hatch if temperatures warm up. Once the wood is inside your home, burn it within 48 hours.
  6. If you store wood inside your cellar, make sure it is in a dry, warm place, like on shelves around your furnace.
  7. If you find carpenter ants or termites in a log of wood, have a professional pest control company inspect your home. These wood chewing insects can get into the wood of your home and silently chew galleries in your support beams.

Having a wood stove or fireplace is a great way to conserve on your heating costs. But don't trade one cost for another. An extermination can eat up all your energy savings. It is better to have year round service and get professional guidance on how to keep wood chewing insects, and other damaging pests out of your home.
