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Is It Bad To Have Mice In My House?

mouse looking for shelter during the fall

Do you strongly suspect you have mice? Have you heard thumping or scrapping in your wall or ceiling? Did you find little brown pellets in the back of your silverware drawer or food cabinet? Or was it the hole in the side of Tony the Tiger's head that gave you your first clue? There are many signs of mice infestation: holes chewed through wires, holes in the walls, footprints on dusty basement shelves, and squeaking in your wall voids. So, what do you do when mice move in? I'm going to answer that. But first, we need to address another question that, for some, is even more important.

Are Mice in My House Bad?

Having mice in your house is very bad, but don't take my word for it. Hop over to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and see what they have to say about rodents and disease. The list includes leprosy, pulmonary syndrome, and diseases with the word "hemorrhagic" in them. In case you don't know what hemorrhagic means, it is defined as: a profuse discharge of blood, as from a ruptured blood vessel. That is pretty severe, don't you think?

Mice may be cute and cuddly, but the diseases they spread are not. They also carry harmful bacteria in their fur and in their bellies, from crawling in dumpsters, sewers, compost, or dead animal carcasses. This rot and decay is in their droppings and crawling in their fur. And, bacteria isn't the only thing crawling in their fur! They are known to carry mites, lice, and fleas. And, if that still isn't enough, mice and rats are a known risk for rabies, which means they can bite, and they can infect you or your children with it.

Now, does that mean every mouse is disease ridden and filled with bacteria and rabies? No. But do you want to take the chance of having any of this filth in your house?

Here’s What You Do if Mice Move In.

Call a professional. That's it. One step. Why? Because mouse traps don't keep mice out of your house, and they don't clean infected or tainted food cabinets. Mice traps don't inform you of exclusion methods that deter mice from entering your home in the first place, and they don't guide you in a plan to seal your home from invasion. Mouse traps--if done properly--can kill a mouse, but they don't protect your family.

Connect with a professional that uses green solutions and modern Integrated Pest Management methods to keep mice out. All it takes is one disease ridden mouse to slide across your silverware or plates, and your family is battling with unexplainable illness. There are enough things to struggle with in life. Keep your family safe. Keep mice out. Learn more about IPM today.
